DIY Animal Shelter TeePee

For this virtual project you will need the following:

Two 2x8 Boards (8’ long)
One large plastic tarp
Circular Saw
**Flexcuffs (fastener freebies)

We are making a tepee for an animal to get out of the weather or to keep something dry.


The Steps

Cut both 2x8’s into 4 equal pieces so that you end up with 8 - 2” pieces that are 8’ long.

Arrange the poles in the shape of a cone.

Overlap the poles at the top and tie together with a flex cuff or perhaps reinforce with several flex cuffs at the top where the poles meet and intersect.

Spread poles out at bottom until they lean against one another at the top and it stands on its own.

Once this is done wrap the tarp around leaving a small entrance at the bottom for the animal or chicken to easily get in and out.

Punch holes in tarp and flex cuff the tarp to each pole securely.

Tie corners of tarp to posts so they won’t flap around.

You’ll have to anchor it into the ground somehow. I would do it as you would a tent when camping.

@aunt-deb the creator of this DIY project kept the rules simple and few, so everyone will feel free to dive in.

The Rules

  1. Choose 3 items each from the Resources and Tools lists.
  2. Explain how you built your virtual project.
  3. Pass the challenge along to at least one person, although everyone is welcome so we can swap as many ideas as possible. Who knows, they just may have the solution you need to a pesky problem or a suggestion that fits your situation like a glove!
  4. Use #diyragtag so we can find your post.


Two 2x8 Boards, 8 ft. long ~ Old Window
A Dozen Bricks ~ A Large Plastic Tarp

TOOLS - Pick Three

Hammer ~ Saw ~ Drill ~ Shovel ~ Cart ~ Ax ~ Wedge
Trowel ~ Staple Gun ~ Post Hole Digger
Your choice on power or hand tools. Fasteners are freebies.

I nominate @pennsif to take the challenge


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