[VIDEO] My Work(16) – One of the best dance showcase in Hong Kong!


As I mentioned before, I work in the dance industry. Last two week, I was invited to a dance showcase in Hong Kong and helped them to take video. The studio is our partner and is one of the best studio in Hong Kong.



Maybe you remember that my company has a dance training program with our partner studio. Most of them had joined the showcase also! The showcase lasted for two days and I am quite sure that it is one of the best showcase in Hong Kong. All the tutors are the best tutors and the showcase consisted of different kinds of dance including Hip Hop, Urban, New Style, Contemp, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Modern, Twerk, and Ballet!

可能你會記得我們公司與一家舞蹈室合作開辦專業舞蹈課程,對!他們都參與了這個公演!整個公演一共兩晚,我敢說它是香港最好的舞蹈公演之一!每一位導師都是最好的導師,整個公演包含了多個舞種,包括Hip Hop, Urban, New Style, Contemp, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Modern, Twerk及Ballet!


There were total 40 dance pieces in the two nights involving over 200 dancers! I can call it a Hong Kong dancer gathering. When I arrived the venue, I saw friends everywhere, It’s just took me a lot of time to say hi before I could go to my room haha. But it’s really a happy night to see my friends and their dances!

兩晚的演出中,一共有40支不同的舞蹈,參與舞者超過200人!真可以說它是香港舞者的大聚會,當我到達會場時,到處都是朋友!走到房間短短的那段路,已花了我不少時間去say hi! 不過,真的很高興可以見到朋友們的舞蹈!


I couldn’t show you all the dance. Here is a short video of the showcase edited by us and I wish you enjoy.


If you can’t watch in Dlive, please watch the youtube version!

如你看不了Dlive, 請看youtube版本!

Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!


My video is at DLive

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