Angie's Happy Must Dos - Back Ups, JV, Gift M - Monday, April 23, 2018


Hey Steem Fam!

Here's my Happy Must Dos list for today.

There's a little numerology tip to help increase success of new and/or important project start-ups close to the beginning and I get a bit emotional towards the end.

Then there's all the juicy stuff in between. ;)

While recording I got to invite you to use this series to help you also get clear on your top priority daily tasks.

You can do that by long-hand writing out in a spiral or other notebook like I do or in a Word or note pad doc. Then just list them, in code form if you want to keep them kinda private, right here in the comments each day.

Then you can come back in at the end of your work day and say what you got through.

I'm currently paying for a semi-coaching membership right now every month where we do this every day. Well, I'm to do it every day there... but I don't.

I'm doing it here instead. So, if you want to join me and list your own daily Happy Must Dos each day, for free, and help increase your own accountability to YOURSELF, please feel free to do that any time you want to.

Fun result manifesting every day, laughing and supporting and cheering each other on.

As I said in the recording, this space would be for any kind of top daily priorities you have in life. But that can also include Steemit.

I always count my Steemit posts and comments as my first top priority. Because I do it every day. And it's easy to just cover that and get it done in this list.

But I also go in to more accountability depth with that in my Steemit Income Building Weekly Accountability Challenge too. And that is also open and available to you free, as one of my regular participants, Paul/@PowerfulWonders always likes to say.

So use this, that or both. Choices, possibilities, options. Delicious!!! ;)

Ok, have fun creating your perfect, unique, heaven on Earth day. THAT's what this is ALLLLL about!

Talk soon,


PS To be notified of new "Angela's Voice" blog posts like this one, let me know your best email to send them to here:

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