Angie's Happy Must Dos - #3 - BG Reggae - Saturday, April 14, 2018


With Fav Reggae Music Playing in the Background

Hey Soul Fam,

This morning I decided I wouldn't get on to Steemit until I finished my main Happy MUST Dos today.

Time for discipline and getting my paying projects up and out there. ;)

So I'll put the basics of what I spoke about in the video here so it's clear.

Today's 1st Priority Happy Must Dos, Saturday, April 14, 2018 With Results

  1. DONE!!! Sat, 14.4.18, 8:42am’ish!!! REDIRECT index home pg to
  2. DONE!!! Sat, 14.4.18, 9:11am!!! PASTE AV BLOG copy on general AV blog page
  3. DONE!!! Sat, 14.4.18, 2:45pm!!! EDIT home optin copy on working duplicate pg
  4. Write/Record/Publish blog post - Doing now
  5. Write 2 comments for today's post and for each post I didn't do this week - Do later

Today's 2nd Priority Happy Must Dos, Saturday, April 14, 2018

• DONE!!! Sat, 14.4.18, 3:41pm!!! COPY/PASTE reworked optin for INDEX to gift pages

• DONE!!! Sat, 14.4.18, 11:49am!!! RE-EDIT list of topics I blog about adding newer ones like Goddess, Music Selections..

Extra done that I wanted to do today or tomorrow but didn't put on list today to ensure I focused on main To Do:

Invitation to unsubscribe for past subscribers of 'dead' list - Ended up deleting everyone except two subscribers and my Sis and I. Starting fresh! ;)

As I said in the video, I will do comments but won't do now. Going offline to take some time for self care.

Oh, and I said it in the short test video I recorded before this one but forgot to repeat it. I was listening and dancing to my current fav reggae dance song by Sean Paul and Sia before I started recording.

I left it on in the test video and realized it wasn't too loud in the background on the playback. So I decided I'd leave it on, which I never do.

I guess I was so happy to have finally broken through the resistance to doing the things I got done today and I was so enjoying the music. I hope it didn't disturb anyone who did listen to the video section of this post.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday if you haven't passed in to Sunday yet and talk again soon.


PS If you'd like to receive my more personal Soul alignment and consciousness development newsletter, please let me know where to send it.

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

My video is at DLive

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