Angie's Happy Must Dos-SIBWA Challenge Catch-Up-Friday, April 27, 2018


Hey Steem Fam,

I declare this SIBWA Challenge Catch-Up Friday!

It's not as bad as that may sound. Just catching up today with two posts... yesterday's and today's. And I want to do an extra one.

Then straight in to comments. A LOT. ;)

How's your Friday going?

This week's goals complete yet?

This is all about inspiring and supporting you to clarify, chose then powerfully take inspired action to get your own priority Happy Must Dos DONE!

They don't have to be Steemit-related. Mine today just happen to be but that's not usually the case.

Keep me company and let's round off the traditional 'work week' powerfully... even if you're like me and your work is play so you plurk every day and love it. ;)

How did your week go?


PS I'd love to have your company in this coming Sunday's brand new SIBWA Challenge, Week 9. Just check my timeline for this week's one to see what it's about here:

My video is at DLive

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