Chinese poem - "Farmers" - by Wáng Jiàn (Includes original song and video) | 田家行 - 王建 (內有原創樂曲及影片)


Hi everyone, the Chinese Culture Project is back again with another Tang poem. In the past two weeks we’ve introduced “Migration” and “Spring Rain”, what did you think of it? If you have any comments, good or bad, we would love to hear from you. Or if there’s any particular topic that you would like to learn about, let us know so we can work on it. We want this to be an interactive forum where we all learn from one another, so come on, don’t be shy!

The first holiday in May for most countries around the world is Labour Day and this is a much welcomed holiday enjoyed by many of us. Therefore we thought it would apt to introduce a poem this week about the labourers from the old days, “Tián Jiā Xíng” or “Farmers” by Wáng Jiàn.




The Background 創作背景:

王建 Wáng Jiàn

May is the beginning of summer and is always a busy time for everyone. It’s time to harvest wheat, and to extract the silk threads from the cocoons produced by the silk worms. Everyone is a busy bee, maybe that’s why we have Labour Day in May!

In the traditional agricultural society, the hard working farmers don’t expect to become affluent through their hard work, all they look forward to is to maintain a decent livelihood. However, it reality, often they find that the fruits of their hard working labour goes to others instead of feeding their own mouths.

Through the poem, Wáng Jiàn describes in a simple and direct way how hard the farmers work at harvest, and what happens to their output after the hard work.





“Tián Jiā Xíng” / “Farmers” by Wáng Jiàn. 《王建-田家行》


nán shēng xīn xīn nǚ yán yuè, rén jiā bù yuàn yán yǔ bié

wǔ yuè suī rè mài fēng qīng, yán tóu suǒ suǒ qiāo chē míng
yě cán zuò jiǎn rén bù qǔ, yè jiān pū pū qiū é shēng

mài shōu shàng cháng juàn zài zhóu, dí zhī shū dé guān jiā zú
bù wàng rù kǒu fù shàng shēn, qiě miǎn xiàng chéng mài huáng dú

huí jiā yī shí wú hòu báo, bù jiàn xiàn mén shēn jí lè

The Composition 詩句大意:

There are twelve lines in “Tián Jiā Xíng” / “Farmers” and the poem is best understood in four parts.


Part 1 : The expression and attitude of the farmers 層次一:鄉間農民的精神面貌

            nán shēng xīn xīn nǚ yán yuè, rén jiā bù yuàn yán yǔ bié

At harvest time, all the men are chatting happily and all the women have a cheerful look on their faces. Although they know there’s a of work to do, no one is complaining and their tone of speech is very different from normal

Part 2 : Their happiness at harvest time 層次二:鄉間農民面臨豐收的喜悅

            wǔ yuè suī rè mài fēng qīng, yán tóu suǒ suǒ qiāo chē míng
            yě cán zuò jiǎn rén bù qǔ, yè jiān pū pū qiū é shēng

Although it’is very hot in May, the breeze from the wheat is very refreshing. The sounds of ‘sock sock’ can be heard from the machine the women use to extract the silk thread from the cocoons. Since it’s been a good harvest, no one wants the cocoon shells, and they attach to the trees where moths grow and fly around

Part 3 : The sorrow at harvest 層次三:鄉間農民面臨豐收的苦惱

            mài shōu shàng cháng juàn zài zhóu, dí zhī shū dé guān jiā zú
            bù wàng rù kǒu fù shàng shēn, qiě miǎn xiàng chéng mài huáng dú

The harvested wheat are placed in baskets, the silk fabric are rolled onto the reels, this year’s harvest should be sufficient to pay the taxes. We don’t expect to eat the wheat or to make new clothes from the silk fabric, we just hope it’s enough for the officials, and that we don’t need to slaughter our cow as well.

Part 4 : Making the best of the situation 層次四:鄉間農民的苦中作樂

            huí jiā yī shí wú hòu báo, bù jiàn xiàn mén shēn jí lè

It doesn’t matter if we don’t have a lavish lifestyle, as long as we aren’t summoned to see the officials, then we shall be very happy and content.


The poetic structure 格律特點:

Sentence 句式

The poem has 12 lines and each line has 7 words, and is more in line with the free format poem style from the Music Bureau or Yuefu era. It has a regulated structure of 7 words in each line, but no rhythm, so is classified as a 7 word ancient style poem.


Rhythm 押韻

If we look at the last word on each even line, they have different finals in both cantonese and mandarin. None of the finals are the same or even similar so they don’t fit the strict rhythm requirement of lushi.

The poem is quite typical of they Yuefu style, where it describes the realistics of everyday life. Wáng Jiàn uses simple direct words to reflect the happiness of the farmers when they know it will be a good harvest, and then their distress in knowing that happiness is just temporary, and accepting the realities of being so powerless in life.




Highlight from the poem 精選句子:


            wǔ yuè suī rè mài fēng qīng, yán tóu suǒ suǒ qiāo chē míng

Although it’is very hot in May, the breeze from the wheat is very refreshing. The sounds of ‘sock sock’ can be heard from the machine the women use to extract the silk thread from the cocoons.

The beauty of this poem is the attitude of the farmers. Although everyone knows the good harvest is just a temporary wealth for them and that it will end up in someone else’s pocket very soon, they still enjoy the whole process. The Chinese has a saying which translates to , “People feel more upbeat when there is a cause for celebration”. Whenever the farmers think of the moment of joy at harvest, they immediately forget about the hard work involved and embrace this beautiful moment.



If you can’t watch Dlive, you may watch our music video on Youtube

The Mandarin part of the music this week for “Tián Jiā Xíng” / “Farmers” is sang by the virtual singer Miku V4, and the Cantonese part is sang by @tine. Have you noticed that a lot of folk songs, or songs sang by the working class all have an upbeat happy tune? Maybe it’s because they’re all enjoying the rewards after the hard work. Our music this weeks takes on a similar style, but you can style find a hint of sorrowness embedded in there.


這一首《田家行》的普通話仍是由世界第一位虛擬歌手初音主唱,而粵語則由@tine 主唱。不知大家有沒有留意,很多勞動階層的音樂,即民間音樂,包括鄉村音樂、藍調、藍草、民族音樂等,都是偏向快樂的音樂。這可能是因為他們都享受著勞動後的快樂。故這一首《田家行》也走向了快樂的路線。



In the modern day life, the majority of us still have to work and look forward to payday every month. The pay may not be as much as we would like and most of it will go on food and bills very soon. However, there is still a pang of joy when it actually lands in our bank account. On Steemit, we all work very hard on our posts, and after it’s published we wait eagerly for an upvote, comment or resteem, an acknowledgement of the hard work we’ve put it.

In the hot summer month of May, most of us will probably grab a cold beer or cocktail to reward ourselves after all the hard work. So next week, our poem will be about wine. Don’t forget to come back and check it out. As always, thanks for your support!



Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Guide 導讀: @perlia
Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive

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