Poems from the Tang Dynasty about football (Includes original song and video) |「唐詩裡的足球狂熱」 (內有原創樂曲及影片)


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Hey everyone! After a long four year wait, it’s kick off time at last!! Don’t know what we’re talking about? The World Cup of course!!! As an avid football supporter, apart from knowing the teams we should also understand a bit about the game itself and how it originated. Did you know that over a thousand years ago, there were already poems from the Tang Dynasty about football?

Modern day football originated from England and is now probably the the most popular sport worldwide. The thrill of watching twenty two men chase after a ball, the coach jumping and and down from the side, and the fans cheering on, all makes this an exhilarating 90 minutes game.

So where did football actually originate from? Was it from the leading football nations like Brazil? France? Spain? In 2004, FIFA acknowledge that football originated from China from as early as the 2nd and 3rd BC and it was called “cuju” back in those days. Cu means kick, and ju is a ball, so the game started off with the same concept. Just like us today, people from a thousand years ago, from inside the palace to the normal citizens, were just as fascinated with the game, and that be seen through two poems we have for you this week..







From the palace「宮廷篇」


One hundred poems from the Palace #81 by Wáng Jiàn 王建《宮詞一百首-第八十一首》

sù zhuāng cán fěn wèi míng tiān , zǒng lì zhāo yáng huā shù biān
hán shí nèi rén cháng bái dǎ , kù zhōng xiān sàn yǔ jīn qián


The Composition 詩句大意

One hundred poems from the Palace #81 has four lines and is best explained in 2 parts

Part 1 : Getting ready in the morning 層次一:清晨的隊友集合

            sù zhuāng cán fěn wèi míng tiān , zǒng lì zhāo yáng huā shù biān

At early dawn in the morning, everyone is gathered by the trees under the bright sun. They still have make up residual on their faces from the previous day

Part 2 : The palace maids perform freestyle football 層次二:宮女們的花式足球表演

            hán shí nèi rén cháng bái dǎ

On one spring day, the palace maids perform their speciality, freestyle football called bái dǎ

            kù zhōng xiān sàn yǔ jīn qián 。

Funds from the safe is used to tip the girls


The Poetic Structure 格律特點

Sentence 句式

There are four lines in this poem making it a quatrain (a poem that consist of four lines) , and each line has seven words, so this is classified as a 7 word quatrain.



Highlight from the poem 精選句子


            hán shí nèi rén cháng bái dǎ

Bái dǎ is the modern day freestyle football where all the participants takes turn to pass the ball around. Just like modern day football, they can use any part of their body apart from their arms.

Sometimes there are specific moves, such as one called ‘mandarin duck turn’. Participants have to kick the ball using their left outer ankle to their right outer ankle and back again and keep going. If they fail they get deducted points, and the person with the most points win the bái dǎ.

As you can imagine this would have been a very elegant movement, like a dance using your feet only. So cuju was a very popular activity for the girls during the Tang Dynasty, and they often performed bái dǎ.





From the Everyday Folks「民間篇」


Five Poems, written at Fū zhōu during spring in bǐng chén year #5 by Wéi zhuāng

yǔ sī yān liǔ yù qīng míng , jīn wū rén xián nuǎn fèng shēng

yǒng rì tiáo tiáo wú yī shì , gé jiē wén zhù qì qiú shēng


The Composition 詩句大意

Five Poems, written at Fū zhōu during spring in bǐng chén year #5, has 4 lines an is best explained in two parts寒食節

Part 1 : The natural scene on a spring day 層次一:的自然景象

            yǔ sī yān liǔ yù qīng míng

The misty rain falls like a shroud of smoke around the willow trees, Qing Ming festival will be here soon

Part 2 : Entertainment on spring day 層次二:寒食節的人民娛樂活動

            jīn wū rén xián nuǎn fèng shēng

While relaxing at home, we take out the fèng shēng and warm it by the fire

            yǒng rì tiáo tiáo wú yī shì

There’s still some time till the end of the day, and there’s not much to do

            gé jiē wén zhù qì qiú shēng 。

I can hear the sounds of people playing cuju on the street


The poetic structure格律特點

Sentence 句式

There are four lines in this poem making it a quatrain (a poem that consist of four lines) , and each line has seven words, so this is classified as a 7 word quatrain.



Highlight from the poem 精選句子


            gé jiē wén zhù qì qiú shēng

Zhù qiú is another form cuju from the old days which quite similar to modern day football. Each team has 12 or 16 people, quite a bit more than the 11 we have today!

At the beginning of the game, the two captains do a draw to decide who goes first and how many games they play, usually it ranges between 3 to 5. There is a net in between the two team, a bit like volleyball, and players’ role are well defined. The captain is responsible for kicking the ball over the net and only he can score points, and others are there to help him do that. If the captain fails to kick the ball over the net as long as it hasn’t touched the ground, the team members can continue to pass the ball to him to try again.

If the ball goes over the net, the opponent must catch it and pass it to their captain who will kick it back over the net again. The team who drops the ball and let it touch the ground loses the game. In other words, zhù qiú is a very skillful game, not only do you have to keep the ball off the ground, scoring points is restricted to one single person. If there is ever an opportunity, it would be great to get the world leading footballers to try and play this, it would be an awesome game!







The Music and Drawing 《唐詩裡的足球狂熱》的歌與畫

The topic of this week’s poem is simple, it doesn’t matter if you’re from the palace or normal folks, everybody loves football and music. This week the mandarin and cantonese version of our song is performed by @susanlo and @tine respectively. The song is very upbeat, and and when you listen to it, you can immediately feel that the game is about to start.

這次的題材簡單直接,不論是官廷內的宮女,還是民間的健兒,都是熱愛足球,一起玩樂。這次的歌曲再次邀請了@susanlo 主唱國語部份,粵語部份則由@tine主唱,歌的起奏給人一種足球賽事即將開始的緊張氣氛,然後大家開始踢球了,呈現快樂的感覺!


Ok, now we’ve done the poem, listened to the song and watched the video, let’s go and watch the World Cup!!!!

Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli

My video is at DLive

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