Chinese poem - “Mooring by the Qínhuái” by DU Mu (Includes original song and video) | 《泊秦淮》- 杜牧 (內有原創樂曲及影片)


Hi everyone, CCP are back again. How did you like the poem we introduced last week? Did that make you sad or bring back any unhappy memories? This week we're still staying on the river, but a different one. Have you ever rowed in the river? Perhaps with a bottle of wine and your loved one, slowly drifting along. And when you get a bit tired, just lie back and relax, listen to the water trickle by and the gentle sun brushing your face. Sounds absolutely idyllic. Yet a thousand years ago, our man this week felt very different when he was by the river.





The Background 創作背景

The Qinhuai River is a tributary of the Yangtze River and flows through Jin Ling, which is the modern day Nanjing. Ever since the Three Dynasty Period around 200 AD and all the way up to the Chen Dynasty, Jin Ling has been the capital for six dynasties over the four centuries. It is true to say that Jin Ling has witnessed much ups and downs over the centuries.

In the old days, the area along the Qinhuai has always been the busiest. Residentials, businesses, hotels for the many visitors passing through the city and entertainment businesses all set themselves up along the Qinhuai. Our poet this week DU Mu, was from the late Tang dynasty and was born into a elite family. His grandfather was a minister at the Tang court, and he had a great interest in politics. He wrote “Mooring by the Qínhuái” when he was staying there one day, and was saddened by the state of current affairs where the rulers were just interested in enjoy themselves despite the Tang dynasty was gradually falling into enemies hands.





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Mooring by the Qínhuái by DU Mu杜牧《泊秦淮》

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yān lóng hán shuǐ yuè lóng shā , yè bó qín huái jìn jiǔ jiā

shāng nǚ bù zhī wáng guó hèn , gé jiāng yóu chàng hòu tíng huā

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The Composition 詩句大意

Mooring by the Qinhuai consists of 4 lines, and is best explained in 2 parts.

Part 1 : The hazy cold evening at Qinhuai 層次一:朦朧冷清的秦淮河夜景

            yān lóng hán shuǐ yuè lóng shā

The haze covers the cold river, as does the bright moon over the sand banks

            yè bó qín huái jìn jiǔ jiā

Late at night, the boat moors at the Qinhuai near the restaurants

Part 2 : The absurdity of the bustling night scene 層次二:歌舞繁華的荒誕

             shāng nǚ bù zhī wáng guó hèn , gé jiāng yóu chàng hòu tíng huā

The hostesses from the entertainment establishments continue to sing “Jade trees in the back garden” oblivious to the pain of the dying empire

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The Poetic Structure 格律特點

Sentence 句式

There are four lines in this poem making it a quatrain (a poem that consist of four lines) , and each line has seven words, so this is classified as a 7 word quatrain.


Rhythm 押韻

The final in the last word in the second line is jia, and in the fourth line is hua. Both end with the same final “a” thus follows the rhyming characteristic required for a 7 word quatrain


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The Music and Sketch 《泊秦淮》的歌與畫

In our sketch for Mooring by the Qinhuai this week, we have tried to portray the contrast between the loneliness and helpless poet sitting on his boat, against the bustling night scene across the river. For the music, we have reverted to a more traditional Chinese tune this week, and the singing is performed by @susanlo and @tine for the Mandarin and Cantonese version respectively.

In addition to the lyrics from the poem, we have also remixed in the lyrics from “Jade trees in the back garden”, which appears in the fourth line of the poem. “Jade trees in the back garden” is said to be a song written by the last ruler of the Chen Dynasty who reigned between 582 to 589. As his dynasty was in decline, all the emperor was interested in was literature and women. “Jade trees in the back garden” is thus also known as the song of the dying empire.


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Highlight of the poem精選句子



The hostesses from the entertainment establishments continue to sing “Jade trees in the back garden” oblivious to the pain of the dying empire

“Jade trees in the back garden” reminded DU Mu of the same state of his country. The Tang Dynasty was on the brink of collapse yet the emperor was too engrossed in his own happiness. Likewise, the hostesses were just concerned about singing for clients and getting more tips, nobody seemed to care about the country collapsing.

If we look around us, there are many who are more disadvantaged than us, who are in need of help and support. Perhaps we should take a moment and step back from focussing on ourselves, and see how we can collectively make this a better world. The world needs to unite together, and what better way to do this than through a global activity like the upcoming World Cup. A sport that originated from China 2000 years ago!! Next week let’s all join in the World Cup mania, and we'll introduce a poem about football.





Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive

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