Chinese poem - “Asking the moon with my wine” by LI Bai (Includes original song and video) | 《把酒問月•故人賈淳令予問之》- 李白 (內有原創樂曲及影片)


Wecome back to CCP. Doesn’t time flies? We’ve been here for a month already and want to thank everyone for your support, upvote, comment, resteem and encouragement. Every response we receive means an awful lot to us, and although we don’t have many followers yet, we will keep going and hopefully you will keep supporting us.

Although we continue to work hard, we still need a bit of downtime sometimes to relax, and how better than a drink or two after work or over the weekend? From the older days to modern days, wine has always been appreciated by people, and it’s always been a popular topic in Tang poetry. Today we’re going to introduce a poem about wine, it is written by LI Bai and is called “Asking the moon with my wine”


那堅持不𢶷的同時,也是要有一點點時間休息的,上一篇我們介紹了《田家行》,講述了中國古代農民的生活狀況,卻不知他們下班後會做一些什麼呢?我想現代人,下班後都會受到酒店Happy Hour一番,喝一兩杯吧!酒能傷人,也能益人,一點少少的酒精,能加速我們的血液循環,同時也能舒緩我們的神經,放鬆一番,其實小編我現在就拿著一杯紅酒哈哈!!

酒乃很多人愛好的杯中物,恰好它也是中國唐詩一個很熱門的題材,所以今天我們就介紹一首和酒有關的唐詩 - 《李白-把酒問月•故人賈淳令予問之》!

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The Background 創作背景


LI Bai is undoubtedly the most prominent poet in Chinese history. His standing is like Diego Marradona in the football world, talented and an absolute genius. His works are full of imagination and fantasy and reflects his bold and carefree personality. He is best knowns for writing Gushi (old style poem) and has left us with some 900 pieces of work, such is his standing that he is known as the Poet Transcendent. He was admired by many of his contemporaries, and they also coined him the Banished Transcendent.

Another of LI Bai’s nickname is Wine Immortal as he is known for his love of wine. He is said to often get his inspiration and writes great poems from being a bit tipsy. Career wise, wine also bought down LI Bai. In his most glorious days, LI was Emperor Tang Xuanzong’s right hand man. One time he had a glass too many, and inadvertently offended one of the Emperor’s most trusted aide, and his beloved consort Yang Guifei. Things went downhill for LI from then and changed his career path forever. Right up to the moment of LI’s death, his fate was interwined with wine . Legend has it that LI was drunk one evening, he tried to fish the moon’s reflection out from the river, fell in and drowned.

這次為大家介紹的詩人,相信大家都聽聞過他的名字-李白。李白在文學界的地位就像世界足壇的Diego Maradona,才華橫溢、想像力豐富,而且有著非常豪邁奔放的性格。李白有「詩仙」的外號,流傳至今的詩作約有900多首,尤其擅長寫古體詩。同時代的詩人賀知章高度讚賞李白的才華,認為李白的才學非世人所能及,故稱呼李白為「天上謫仙人」。


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“Asking the moon with my wine” by LI Bai 《李白-把酒問月•故人賈淳令予問之》


qīng tiān yǒu yuè lái jī shí ? wǒ jīn tíng bēi yī wèn zhī

rén pān míng yuè bù kě dé ,yuè xíng què yǔ rén xiāng suí

jiǎo rú fēi jìng lín dān què , lǜ yān miè jìn qīng huī fā

dàn jiàn xiāo cóng hǎi shàng lái , níng zhī xiǎo xiàng yún jiān méi

bái tù dǎo yào qiū fù chūn , cháng é gū qī yǔ shuí lín ?

jīn rén bù jiàn gǔ shí yuè , jīn yuè zēng jīng zhào gǔ rén

gǔ rén jīn rén ruò liú shuǐ , gòng kàn míng yuè jiē rú cǐ

wéi yuàn dāng gē duì jiǔ shí , yuè guāng cháng zhào jīn zūn lǐ

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The Composition 詩句大意

“Asking the moon with my wine” has 16 lines and can be explained in 6 parts.

Part 1 : Wondering about the moon after a drink 層次一:酒後開始與月亮有關的思考

            qīng tiān yǒu yuè lái jī shí ? wǒ jīn tíng bēi yī wèn zhī

I’m going to put my glass down today and ask the moon, from when did the bright moon appear above the clear sky

Part 2 : The moon and the people 層次二:有關月亮形影相隨的思考

            rén pān míng yuè bù kě dé ,yuè xíng què yǔ rén xiāng suí

It’s impossible to get close to the moon, yet it will always follow our footsteps

Part 3 : Moonrise and moonset 層次三:有關月亮按時升起與落下的思考

            jiǎo rú fēi jìng lín dān què , lǜ yān miè jìn qīng huī fā
            dàn jiàn xiāo cóng hǎi shàng lái , níng zhī xiǎo xiàng yún jiān méi

The bright moon is like a mirror in the sky, reflecting on the red palace every day, when the clouds clear, the moon shines across the ground. We can see the moonrise from the sea every day, and the moonset disappearing into the clouds in the morning

Part 4 : The legends fom the moon 層次四:有關月亮傳說的思考

            bái tù dǎo yào qiū fù chūn , cháng é gū qī yǔ shuí lín ?

The rabbit on the moon is preparing the medicine all the time. Cháng é lives alone on the moon by herself, who will be her neighbour?

Part 5 : Life and the eternity of the moon 層次五:有關月亮的永恆與人生的短暫的思考

            jīn rén bù jiàn gǔ shí yuè , jīn yuè zēng jīng zhào gǔ rén
            gǔ rén jīn rén ruò liú shuǐ , gòng kàn míng yuè jiē rú cǐ

People today have never seen the moon from yesteryears, yet the moon today has shone on the people from those years. As time goes by, people from yesteryear and today will all cease to exist, but the moon that we have all seen remains unchanged.

Part 6 : Appreciating the company of the moon while I drink 層次六:享受月亮陪隨自己飲酒同樂的時光

            wéi yuàn dāng gē duì jiǔ shí , yuè guāng cháng zhào jīn zūn lǐ 。

I just wish when I drink wine and sing songs everyday, the bright moon will continue to shine into my glass

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The Poetic Structure 格律特點

Sentence 句式

This poem has 16 lines, each line has 7 words, and is classified as a 7 word ancient style poem.



In this poem, particularly the Cantonese version, the final changes in every pair of even lines. In lines 2 and 4 it is 「i」, in lines 6 and 8 it is 「t」, in lines 10 and 12 it is 「n」 and in lines 14 and 16 it is 「i」.This systematic change of rhythm is called rhythm shift, and adds a musical element to the poem.



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Highlight from the poem 精選句子


            wéi yuàn dāng gē duì jiǔ shí , yuè guāng cháng zhào jīn zūn lǐ

Wine has always played a big part in Chinese food culture. In 2500 BC to 2000 BC fruit was used to brew wine, and then later on wheat and rice was used. By the Ming Dynasty, distillation was discovered to produce high alcohol content wine. In fact, DU Kang is a Chinese legend who is credited with inventing alcohol, so it can be said that Chinese history and wine have matured hand in hand over the years.

In Chinese folklore we can often see wine at the daily functions and us one of the daily necessities. In pre Ming Dynasty days, wine was brewed from fruit and had a low alcohol content, that’s why often in Chinese literature we talk about people drinking all the time but never got drunk.

AsLI Bai having few a drink,, he was observing the moon, pondering the value of life and the moon’s eternity. Life’s finity and worries didn’t make him sad though. In fact, it made him appreciate life even more, was determined to live life to the full, grasp every available moment, and enjoy his days drinking wine under the beautiful moon. Perhaps we should all look at life like LI Bai did, relax and enjoy ourselves more.

Next time you go out for a drink with your friends, see if you can find the moon’s reflection in you glass, and if so, remember to enjoy life!





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Finally, Please enjoy the song “Asking the moon with my wine” composed and arranged by us

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Thanks again for reading our post. And one final question before we go, what do you like to do when you’re having a glass of wine? Maybe play you favourite background music, slowly close your eyes to relax and drift into another temporary world? Or does the music take you back to happy or sad memories? ‘Wine and music is like hand and glove. After this week’s poem about wine, next week we will introduce a poem about music and memories. Don’t forget to check us out next week!


Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Guide 導讀: @perlia
Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive

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