Are You "Honouring" Yourself?


Heeeellllloooo DLive and my fellow Steemians,

What’s happening… this is my 2nd DLive video. Yippee!!!

Just finished my morning run and wanted to share this short message “What Are You Doing To HONOUR (HONOR) Yourself?”

It’s a message that I’m also learning to practice every day. There are times we choose to live our lives to please and seemingly honour others. Hey, there is nothing wrong with that.

What’s wrong is that we often FORGET to honour our own time, our own health, our own boundary, our own money and when we DON’T do that, we are in fact “DIS-Honouring” ourselves.

There was a point in time where all my wife and I did was to honour our children – to a point that we did everything for the children and we did not have any energy left to give to each other.

Today it has all changed. Even our 3 children know that there is Family Time (all 5 of us) and then there is Date Nights or even Date Weekends where I take my spouse for something that just the 2 of us can enjoy.

This has actually added much more JOY into our family and our children can even see the difference of how we “LOVE” one another.

And for me, when I honour my own health, fitness and food intake…I’m actually giving me back some Me-TIME and some Self-LOVE, which is essential so that I can in turn be recharged and be able to give back from my Fuller Tank.

Will you choose to HONOUR yourself today? Do something JUST FOR YOU, this Weekend.

Let me know if this has impacted you. Love to hear your comments below. :)

Only my best!

Mel @coachmelleow

Coach to Extraordinary Coachees |
Catalyst | Social Change Igniter


My video is at DLive

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