My Application to the SteemFest Dreams Giveaway


Hi Friends!

If any of you are thinking of going to Steemfest this year – I would highly recommend checking out the opportunity that @steemfestdreams is opening to Steemians. Every year, they have raised money to help offer free tickets and/or travel to Steemians trying to make it to the big event. It’s a pretty incredible initiative, and I commend the @steemfestdreams crew for continuing to support steemians in this way.

If you are interested in creating your own submission – click HERE to view the original post.


Why I Want to Attend SteemFest3

If possible, I would recommend watching the video – but I’ll write out my thoughts here as well for those who prefer to read blog posts vs. watching videos.

Steemit has become a major part of my life. It’s helped me discover a passion that I didn’t know I had (video content creation), it has allowed me to build deep friendships, and helped me to better understand cryptocurrency and the life changing technologies that exist in this space.

One of my favorite parts of this community is that I get to be surrounded by smart, creative, intelligent, generous, and passionate people on a daily basis. There are so many people on this platform that I deeply admire and am in awe of the great work they are doing in the world. Not just that, but I am in awe of the way people vulnerably share and support each other. There is such a realness here.

I believe there is so much value in attending events of this nature. I spoke at the Steem Creators Conference in Las Vegas and will be a keynote speaker for the upcoming conference in Toronto. When I walked into the Vegas conference – I immediately felt like I was in a room of old friends. The relationships I built from that event are so special to me. I am still in regular contact with many of the people there and I can’t wait to connect with even more people in Toronto.

I had such a profound impact from that event, that I can’t imagine what it will be like to attend Steemfest itself and be surrounding by so many “Steemit Greats” that have built this community and made it the amazing place that it is today. Basically, I want a @surfermarly hug… and I want to say a huge thank you to @luzcypher. Joining the open mic community was one of the most impactful things that has happened to me in the last year. I was super nervous to get on camera – but by playing ukulele covers and posting them to the open mic contest – I felt so much support and love from that community – it encouraged me to keep going. I could go on for pages and pages of the people that I’m most excited to meet – but those are two people that come to mind!

How The Steemfest Dreams Opportunity Would Make a Positive Impact on Me

To be honest, I felt a little hesitant to put my name in the hat – because I’m sure there are people with much greater need than I that could really benefit from this gift. Last week though, I had some unexpected medical bills come up. I haven’t had to pay them yet, but by the end of the year – It will likely be around $8,000 out of pocket. I am choosing to not get stressed about how I am going to afford that – but it is making me question if I will be able to afford going to Steemfest this year.

The other thing that is happening around that time – is that I am looking to make a pretty big life shift around October or November of this year. Many of you that have been following me know that I have a full time job on top of what I do here on Steemit. I am realizing more and more that my heart is really here in the crypto space and I want to devote even more time to not only helping this community to grow – but helping more people to realize the impact that crypto can have on our world.

Crypto currency is more than just a “market of coins”. It is a movement.

I think part of why I connect so deeply with this space and why it makes me come ALIVE is that this is so much more than just a “market of coins”. It is a shift in how people can live and be in the world. It rejects the old systems that are heavy and have oppressed people for ages, and allows us to live our lives on our terms - with less governance and regulation dictating our every move.

I put out feelers with a few people I knew that I would like to transition to a part time job that pays enough to cover the basics (rent, groceries transportation etc.), and will free up even more time for me to focus on helping grow this space. I want to spend even more time strengthening the community here on Steemit – and am also considering how to grow my reach outside these walls so I can help more and more people discover that crypto is not just something for “nerdy dudes” but really is a movement and something that can help create more freedom in people’s lives.

(I got into more detail on that in the video)

Why am I talking about this here?

Because amidst unexpected medical bills, trying to pay for a trip to Europe to attend Steemfest – it will also mean a drop in income. It’s a little crazy how the timing of these things all seem to be intersecting around the same time.

Moving Forward in Full Faith That I Will Be Attending

I am choosing to take an attitude of abundance instead of scarcity and choose to believe that everything will come together just as it should. I love the below quite from Henry Ford. It really sums up my approach and how I’m choosing the view things!


Image Source

Thank You For Your Consideration

I just want to say a huge thank you to @aggroed, @dynamicgreentk and @richardcrill for considering me and offering this great opportunity to Steemians.

I again just want to encourage those who are thinking of attending to check out this awesome opportunity.

Here is a YouTube link for anyone who needs it.

XO, Lea


More of my Steemy Adventures

Check out the Latest Steem Sister Show Episode
Steem Monsters Fan Fiction Show with @littlescribe and @coruscate
Watch My Talk at the Steem Creators Conference
Follow The Muse Project - Empowering Women on the Blockchain
Learn More About Mene 24k Gold Investment Jewelry

My video is at DLive

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