Learn The 8 Brocades in 3 minutes, Part 5 of 8


Learn how to perform the 8 brocades in this guided 8 step video. Start Experiencing the incredible benefits of Qi Gong today. The tiger is just for fun!

This 800-year old exercise, which the ancients likened to beautiful brocade, consists of eight sections, is very popular among the Chinese people. Each section can be practiced on its own and each targets a specific organ or health need. The whole set of movements are fine and delicate with moderate intensity. It is like yoga, but is performed in a standing position and does not require much space or a yoga mat. The 8 brocades are also known as the silk brocades because of the very slow and flowing movements. I have been practicing the 8 brocades regularly for several years, and have found it to be one of my great pillars that keep me physically, mentally and emotionally in balance.

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This 5th brocade starts with the legs in horse stance. Step the feet wide apart, bend the knees.

Exhale over towards the right leg, swing the head and chest around to the left leg,
Then inhale and lift the head and heart up.
Exhale back down the left leg again and then swing the body around toward the right leg
Inhale your heart and head rise up
Repeating exhale toward the right, slowly migrate around to the left thigh

Continue the sequence which is called, bending over wagging the tail to calm heart fire.
Also sometimes this is called swing the head and tail to eliminate heart fire

What this benefits is that feeling in the heart sometimes when its over exerted, being burnt out or out of control.
Ideally the heart fire is burning beautifully, soft warm light, a sense of kindness and harmony is developed when the heart fire is in balance.
This is a sense of harmony within you and around you. Feeling of balance and ease within yourself can also improve relationships with others.

To finish this one again step the feet closer together, clearing again with the hands drawing down inviting a sense of tranqulity and quietness.

Take a moment to breath into your dantien. When you are ready you can finish.

Did you enjoy the music?
It's called Carma By Michael Hornstein

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