First Day of Day 29 Players


Here are your first sign up pictures to make it easy for you.
They appear in no particular order.
To make sure I make myself understood. If you showed your face in the signup - show your face again. You can hold something in front, but we still need to see that it is you. If only your hand appears, you are out.
If you signed up with your hand in the picture, make sure your hand is in all the selfies - you can add your face, your whole body, whatever you wish, but your hand needs to be there.
Some of you had a full body shot - you don't need your full body in each selfie, but your face needs to be there - somewhere.
If you happen to be a squirrel or a mask wearer - just make sure those elements are in your selfie...
Oh - and take a new selfie every day for the prompt of the day...
Hope that helps.

If DLive doesn't work for you, here is the YouTube version.

My video is at DLive

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