MakeMeSmile Week 6 - drawing


I work and staying in Singapore and every weekend we will travel back to JB to stay for 2 nights. Sometimes when i have event or important training to attend i will skip a week and stay back in Singapore.

My hubby @itrmarcusliew no matter what will still bring my 2 kids back to JB. My 2 kids attend drawing class in JB, my elder daughter also attend piano class in JB.

Last weekend after my event in Singapore i took carpool back to jb. When i reach home i noticed there are 2 new drawings on my dry kitchen wall. The 2 little dogs really make me smile. I can't even differentiate which drawing is from didi and which is from jie jie.

Their drawing/coloring skills improved since the day they joined the class (more than a year already). Along the way, the art teacher already changed 2 times.

Showing off some of their drawings, already filled up one side of my dry kitchen wall. That's why the 2 dogs drawing are on another side of the wall already.


My little boy, 5 years+ really love drawing. Every night he will use the recycle paper to draw and draw. Last year during the parent teacher meeting, his form teacher even passed me a book of his drawing. That really amazed me.

This is one of the latest drawing that i love very much, he said the princess is mummy :) Not sure anyone can recognize the hello kitty teapot? haha.

I hope this post make your day, make you smile too :)

My video is at DLive

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