Beer Festival in Taiwan 台中啤酒節


Happy Monday everyone!! This weekend I went to a Beer Festival in Taichung, Taiwan. It was held at the old Beer Brewery which has now been converted to a cultural and arts complex. This is an annual festival and is the second year it's been held. It's a small festival as this is Taiwan, and we're a small city here, but there were quite a few a few local craft beer producers as well as importers who were selling overseas craft beer.

這個週末我去了台中舊酒廠的啤酒盛典。 啤酒節規模不算大,但今年已是第二屆舉辦。有不少本地精釀啤酒生產商參展。 我(其實是老公,因為我喝一瓶啤酒後已帶點醉意)在現場試了不同國家的啤酒,包括來自英國,星加坡和美國。還試了兩種台灣本地精釀手工啤酒。 對我來說,我覺得整晚最大收穫是發現這一家由南非及英國人創辦的本地製作香腸攤檔。 好好吃!! 大家看看我的視頻,到現場感受一下台中啤酒節的氣氛吧!


I was meeting with my friend as her boyfriend has a stand here, so while I was waiting for her to arrive, I decided to check out the other stalls. First up of course, is a British stand - Imperial Pint, always nice to chat to fellow Brit in Taiwan.

Brian, the owner then recommended me to check out Brewlander from Singapore so I though I'd start a chain and get each store owner to recommend me the next one. By the way it's Brewlander not Wonderbrew which is what I said in the video!!!

Brewlander then recommended Pirate Life from Mikkell, an import from US, and 55th Street a local craft beer next door to him. Mikkell was a lot busier so I thought I'd head over there.

After hubby finished chatting with the pretty girl at Mikkell she recommended 55th Street again! If two stalls both recommended it, then I think we really should head over there. Pretty Girl even walked over with us and introduced us to him. We tried Amber which has a hint of lovely dried longan aroma but did not come across as stickly sweet at all. Hubby was very impressed!

By this time my friend had arrived, so we headed over to Three Giants which is a local craft beer brewery run by her boyfriend. We (or rather hubby did, as I was a bit tipsy already) had a few more drinks whilst I wandered off to get some food.

Boyfriend recommended Sausage Shack, which does homemade sausages made by a South African and a Brit. Here's the Brit, a Yorkshireman and had another good old natter with him. Usually local made sausages are a bit too sweet and doesn't have the right texture, but these ones were nice, very authentic. I think its my find of the night.

If you haven't yet, please check out my video, where I take you around the festival. I have to apologise in advance if my sudden appearance scared you as I wasn't looking the best in the hot summer evening! Cheers!

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My video is at DLive

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