Ulog 12 Betrayal


Many of us, maybe all of us, deal with some form of betrayal at one point in our lives. It could be that our work is stolen, claimed as their own and sold by a pirate somewhere.
Or worse, it is done by a person we trusted and called a friend.
I listened to an excellent podcast by Laura Peterson today on how to deal with the former - use legal help and maybe even turn the offender into an affiliate.
Dealing with a friend's betrayal is a bit more complicated. One could start a personal war - but is that worth it? Trusting in the power of Karma might be a better way to go. For one's own peace of mind, forgiveness is best - and to cut that person out of your life.
The podcast: https://www.copythatpops.com/113-copyrighting-copywriting-pirate-hunter-jason-tucker
If DLive isn't working for you - here is the video on YouTube

My video is at DLive

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