Shanghai has got to be home to one of China’s most distinctive cuisines, mainly influenced by it’s location in the south of the Yangzi River and Hangpu River. The locals in this region seem to consume a wide selection of freshwater fish as well as shellfish. I understand why as once nicely seasoned, they make for very tasty dishes.
"Sugar" is also an integral ingredient in Shanghai cuisine (used in combination with soy sauce) as people there certainly seem to have a “sweet tooth”, lol. In fact, they probably use more sugar for cooking in Shanghai than in any other part of China!
Whilst in Shanghai, I got a chance to sample some of these local authentic dishes from several different vendors, restaurant and local eaters. I can safely say that all of them were super delicious and I could not wait to share that with you all.
糖是上海菜中不可缺少的组成部分哦,通常和酱油配搭着调味。当地居民看起来是很爱吃甜食,呵呵。据报道,上海是全国各地使用糖最多的一个城市!吃过上海菜的朋友, 你们有没有这个感觉呢?
My video is at DLive