A Parisian Style Steakhouse in Central Hong Kong / 人气牛扒店 "La Vache"


For all you steak lovers out there, today I would like to recommend a fantastic restaurant in Hongkong, going by the name of La Vache! If you happen to be vegetarian, please look away now as all you can order here is "steak, steak and more steak", lol!

Tucked away within the busy Peel Street in Central District, La Vache is located right in the heart of the Soho area. Conveniently, where you cannot miss all the flashing neon lights reminding you of its presence. The place was packed when I arrived at around 8pm on a typical weekday evening. Luckily, I had pre-booked and there avoided any wait time.




Once through the narrow entrance, I instantly fell in love with the crisp atmosphere and overall vibe. Lovely chilled music, a selection of amazing paintings on the wall oozing the French cultural overtones and the lovely red-check tablecloth laid out beautifully. All with a very French Bistro stylization, simple and cozy.






Now, the only thing on the menu at La Vache is steak, so all you have to do is to let your waiter know how you wish it to be prepared. That’s awesome as I am often too lazy to choose what to eat anyways, lol. For a mixed price (approx. HK$300), you get a side of bread, fresh salad and a 10oz steak with french fries. It is a very simply business model for a restaurant, yet works brilliantly due to its popularity!

The starter salad is refreshing and crisp with homemade dressing and walnuts on top. I guess it wasn’t anything too fancy but tasted great and was well needed for a healthy dietary balance before what was to come.


The steak were served on a steel plate with candled heating underneath to keep the steak at a good temperature.

My steak was grilled perfectly at my request of it being medium rare, with a deep red center, juicy and full of deliciousness. Exactly how I like it! A creamy "Bearnaise" sauce was served with the steaks to add even more flavour.

The french fries were also a big highlight for me, being thin, crispy and delicious! Not to mention, they are unlimited as the waitress kept coming back to offer more throughout the meal. What more can you ask for, haha?



The house red wine was decent too. A special mention for the staff who were extremely professional and attentive during the course of the evening.

I thoroughly enjoyed my meal at La Vache! The steak and wine were very reasonably priced but still keeping with the premium quality of food. And let’s not forget about those yummy french fries that I just couldn’t get enough of. So much so that I didn't even have any room left for dessert at the end, lol.

Simply love this restaurant and I will most definitely be back for more of the same exquisite food there.

今天我要向所有牛排爱好者推荐一家位于香港名为“La Vache” 的特色餐厅哦。如果你碰巧是素食者的话,那就真的不好意思咯,因为在这家餐馆除了牛排,还是牛排,呵呵!

La Vache 位于香港中环苏豪区附近的卑利街,大大的红色霓虹灯招牌,显得很有活力。我晚上八点到餐馆的时候,那里已挤满了人在门口排队。幸好我早已预定位子,不用浪费时间。








难怪La Vache被称为“人气牛扒店“,吃过的朋友也都对这里赞不绝口。可惜我这次吃得太撑了,下次一定回来品尝他们家的甜点,哈哈!大家有机会来香港,不要错过这么正点的牛扒店哦!


My video is at DLive

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