Hey there, fellow steemians,
I would like to share my experiences from Dlive with you, having had such an amazing introductory week to this great platform. The move I made to add vloging to my blog has been such a transformative decision. Helping me grow as a person, gain untapped confidence and further maximise my enjoyment of Steemit.
Therefore, I’d like to summarise the very first week of using Dlive and give you a few of my thought as to what I think so far. Though, after reading the above, I’m sure you’ll be able to guess what they are, lol.
Take care, my steemian friends and keep on DLIVING! 😊
我想和大家分享一下过去一周我在dlive平台上的体验和一些想法 。
我在博客里增加了视频这个决定对我的影响还是蛮大的。它促使了我学习制作与编辑视频,用视频来作为我记录生活的一种方式。 通过不断学习不断总结来提高自己的能力。
希望大家喜欢我的视频!😊 (中文视频从04:44分开始)
My video is at DLive