Cooking with Travelgirl - Fish, Tomatoes & Tofu Soup | Travelgirl 廚房 - 豆腐番茄魚湯


Hi Steemians,

Last night I made a simple fish soup for the family.


Normally when I have a bit more time, I would make a Cantonese soup which normally take 2-3 hours but last night I decided to quickly make a fish soup. It’s great for the whole family on a cool autumn night.

平常有時間的時候我會煲一些廣東湯但昨晚就沒有太多時間所以就煲了一個很簡單的魚湯。最近 Sydney 晚上就比較涼所以有一點湯喝感覺非常好。

Ingredient for 4 people - approximately 1 hour

4人份量材料 - 大概1個小時完成

Fish - approx 800g fish | 800g 煲湯魚
Tomatoes- 4 | 番茄 4 個
Tofu - small box | 1 豆腐 - 1 合
Shallots - small amount | 蔥 - 少量
Ginger - two small slices | 薑 - 兩片
Water - 2 litres | 水 - 兩公升
Oil - 1 teaspoon | 油 - 1 茶匙
Salts - optional | 鹽 - 自選的

What soup do you normally make at home?


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謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Answers to Ten facts one lie challenge @Travelgirl + Costco Giveaway

Travelgirl's Diary [12] - Travelgirl 的日記 [12]

Steemit CN Community Karaoke Collaboration - Steemit 中文區大合唱 [明天會更好]

Ulmarra - A Fabulous Town in Country NSW , Australia

A Day Out at Circular Quay @ Sydney, Australia

Ten facts one lie challenge @ Travelgirl + Giveaway

Our Experience Crossing a Busy Road in Vietnam + Crowded Places

Travelgirl's Diary [11] + Giveaway - Travelgirl 的日記 [11] + 玩遊戲

My First Attempt on a Scooter in Taiwan | 我在台灣第一次開機車

Steemit Name Challenge | 用戶名稱挑戰 - @Travelgirl

Travelgirl's Diary [10] - Travelgirl 的日記 [10]

Travelgirl's Diary [9] - Travelgirl 的日記 [9]

Travelgirl's Diary [8] - Travelgirl 的日記 [8]

Travelgirl's Diary [7] - Travelgirl 的日記 [7]

My video is at DLive

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