Travelgirl's Diary [1] + Dlive Chat at 4pm tomorrow AEDT- Travelgirl 的日記 [1]


Hi Steemians,

Today I’m sharing my first vlog for my new series - Travelgirl’s Diary. As mentioned in my live chat on Wednesday, I wanted to try something a little different and I find videos is a great way to show people over words.

今天想跟大家分享我新的視頻系列 - Travelgirl 的日記。我在星期三在直播跟到家說過有個新的構思想跟你們分享我一些生活的東西

So here it is!


Yesterday I went to the hairdresses and had my haircut with a treatment. Everything was smooth sailing until after dinner, Baby E decided that he wanted sultanas. Since we were out, we decided to get to the supermarket to get some and drive home. Trust me, I don’t usually do this and buy whatever he wants but this time we did run out at home.

昨天我去剪頭髮和做頭髮護理。整天都好像都很好但吃完晚飯之後, BB E 突然想吃葡萄乾!因為我們在外面吃飯,吃完飯就到超市買一點東西就回家。我平常就不會聽他的但家裡真的沒有就去買給他。

What a long day!

Okies, enough of me talking - hope you enjoy the video!

好的,不說啦 - 希望你們喜歡我的日記

** PS due to Steemit was down last night, I couldn't upload it so had to do it today instead **

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的 📷

My video is at DLive

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