When Thor Meets Black Panther

So who's all hyped for the Infinity Wars Movie? Let's all raise our hands! :D

Wow Disney-Marvel movies are really on a roll!
Honestly I haven't watched Black Panther yet but from what I hear it's also pretty amazing!
The most recent one I've watched from Marvelverse was Thor Ragnarok and man was that movie cool!

If you are one of the few left who hasn't seen Thor Ragnarok and do not want spoilers, PLEASE STOP READING NOW!
But of course I'd love it if you still want to proceed. (wink wink!).

So to those who watched Thor Ragnarok, you all know what happened
to Thor's precious hammer, Mjolnir right?
It got shattered to pieces by Hela!
And not only did our hero Thor lost his weapon, he also lost his right eye! (YEOOUCH!!!).

But of course like most movies, we get to see a bit of a happy ending (with the usual cliffhanger! Oooh whose giant spaceship is that!?).

So poor Thor, now with one eye and no trademark hammer, is planning on heading to Earth, his second home!

Of course I'd like to see him get a replacement for ol' Mjolnir, so I thought up this story on how that can possibly be resolved. How, pray tell will this happen?
Please read on the comic I conjured up and find out!

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Thor and Black Panther have not officially met in the existing movies yet so I thought maybe this is how it could go down. Disney-Marvel execs, if you are reading this, please include this scene in the Infinity Wars movie! LOL!

Vibranium is a fictional element in the Marvel universe. It is one of the rarest metals that can only be mined in select locations, most notably Black Panther's birthplace, the kingdom of Wakanda.

I think vibranium is a good metal to use for Thor's hammer as it absorbs kinetic energy / vibrations.
So everytime Thor hits hard with it, he won't feel any blowback. Imagine Thor hitting something hard and rubbery with his ol' Mjolnir and gets a strong recoil to the face!

With vibranium, every blow he deals with the hammer gets shock-absorbed. Fantastic!

Mjolnir was also magic. Only people worthy of it can carry it and Thor can summon it at will.
So for the new hammer, I thought maybe it can be enchanted too with the help of the sorcerer supreme, Doctor Strange! (His movie was pretty cool too).

All that's left now is the missing right eye. But I think Thor looks cool with the eye patch on.
Sort of like a cosmic pirate. Badass!

This took me awhile, I was supposed to post it last week but I needed sometime getting used to using a wacom tablet.

This is the first comic I ever drew totally digital. It's really quite hard for me to use the tablet. I can't shake the feeling of disconnection when I'm using it. Unlike traditional drawing on paper, you can see your hand scribbling but with the tablet, you have to look at the screen while drawing. Sheesh I suck at using it! Just look at that rainbows on the last panels! Drawing curves are hard with this thing! I really need more practice!

Here's a quick look on how I made this comic in Adobe Photoshop:

First I sort out the scenes and make a layer where I draw the initial outlines.

Then I make another layer on top of that where I draw the clear sketches of the characters.

After the finalized outlines, I have the drawing colored using the brush and paint bucket tools.

Then the last thing I add in is the text.

And that's it! Thanks for dropping by! I hope you loved the comic!
I'd love to know what you think about it in the comments!
Feel free to say that I draw really bad rainbows.
I will wholeheartedly accept! Hahaha!

If you haven't read some of my previous comics, please drop by my steemit blog.

Thank you so much for the support!

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