My Frens, I Bring You BORK: My Heckin' Promise to Steemit

What a week, frens. With all of the crazy stuff going on here on the Steemit, I figure it is a good time to do a promise to all of you here who have been so heckin' nice to me.

Right off the bat, I'm going to do a throw out there: sometimes this place can feel mean. It doesn't happen a lot, but it can feel heckin' frustrating when I do a sniffer snufst of some spam (misleading: not tasty) or even some dang flags. But also, I heckin' love how nice the hoomans here are. When lady is working, I do an observe around the perimeters (much like home, the safety of the Steemit is now in my paws.) I see kind upboops and hoomans doing a great engage and lots of teaching and great stories! So I do a come to you today to promise, "I will be the Very Good Boy Poster that the Steemit needs!"  The only thing that heckin' belongs on a chain is information, so here is what I spent all week doing a think about.

Also, don't mind my ridiculous handsome face, frens. I did a pose for some pictures to make sure that my post (and poster!) turned out just right. I mean, I always look like this when I do a think anyways; very dignified, and extra heckin' majestic.


I promise to do the heckin' best posts I can. I promise to always do a sniffer snerfst of animal rescues and do a give of my upboops to them. I promise to do a control of lady hooman when she gets so heckin' carried away taking pictures of me. I promise to do a patrol and protect for bad posters, bottos, and treacherous squirrels. I promise to do a give of lots of my SBDs to @TARC rescue, because I did a research and found them to be a very worthy charitable cause.

I promise to be a Very Good Boy.


Now, it has come to my heckin' attention that a sneaky squirrel did a post of a blog against doggos. It is full of heckin' untruths, frens, and I cannot do a stand by while my brethren get done a smear. I am doing such a serious in my promises, and doing such a super swear that this is squirrel slander, that I even had lady hooman make me a heckin' symbol of my very true heart and very excellent ears.


Despite this misinformation that is doing a circulate, and some of the not nice that is sometimes on the Steemit, I am here to tell you, "B O R K."   Take heart, frens. Together we will do a good here on the Steemit. In fact, we have already done TWO heckin' super greats!

  • One: My sister did a try on of her brace yesterday. Frens, you did the upboops, I did the trade, and now she does the walk! So far it has already done a real change of her gait. She gets tired because I think she is doing an exercise of muscles that have been pretty heckin' weak for a while, but already she can do a faster walk. That is heckin' AMAZING. I will do a demand that lady hooman does an attempt to do a document of this achievement of ours to the chain.

  • Two: I did a send of a bunch of my SBDs to @TARC! Upon initially discovering that I can't do an eat of them and now that I did a buy of the brace for my sister, I did an extra smart research on what to heckin' do with these things. @TARC is an animal rescue here on the Steemit raising money for animal frens, so it makes a good sense to me to do a send to them to get stronger and to do a pay of all the heckin' bills! I will do a buy of some cool toys and foods and things here to do a send to another rescue, and the rest I will do a power up of. I'm going to do a grow into the Very Best Boy on the Steemit!

I'm going to keep doing a morning aroo to make sure that lady hooman does a get up early each day to help me get my sister walked, and the neighbourhood patrolled for the squirrel forces. I will do a check back in with more updates and specialized Good Boy knowledges for you, but remember:

Do a positive, do a nice, do some upboops, always do a use of your media literacy, and do a critical think if you run into dastardly squirrel propaganda on the Steemit. Being truthful and Very Good is heckin' worth it, frens!

I'm doing a help for places on Steemit taking care of doggos, cattos, and animal frens with mega upboops, and a sniffer snipst to find SBDs to send to help @TARC rescue!
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