Chronicles of Alan; Trixie and Max 6


Our House in Breaunanda was a corner Stand Zebrina st and Mutans St. The house to the Left of us ( looking from the Front )belonged to Izak and the House behind us was Basie.

The Precast wall between our House and Izak's was 6 foot high with an Electric Fence fitted on top.

The Precast to Basie's House was just over 5 feet High.

Late one Afternoon Izak calls me to let me know that one of My Dog's is in his yard terrorising his Alsatians.

I go next door , It was Trixie of course , Max cannot jump that high , he is far heavier in build. She had managed to get out his front gate and was gone!

I spent most of the night walking up and down the Streets in the area , with Max on a leash , softly calling her name , but totally unsuccessfully , eventually about 2:30AM went home to a very fitful sleep.

Early Morning I heard Barking outside the Back Gate and there She was ! My Neighbour , across the Road , had most of his workers cowering at the Top of the Road , not interested in coming any closer to her!

If you know Bull Terriers , they do not show emotion on their faces, Happy , sad , annoyed , all the same expression.

I opened the Gate, in she came , and I was overjoyed! Even Max acted very happy to see her.


On one occasion after a not unusual trip to collect Trixie from the Vet She had swelling on the neck from a fight , I had also asked the Vet to give her her yearly Vaccinations at the the same time.

The Young Lady Vet who assisted me said , "Shame she must be in terrible pain?"

I picked her up to carry her out , she twisted around, snarling, trying her best to get out of my arms to get at the dogs in the other cages! Some things never change!

A few Months later I get a call from Basie, very upset, ( He is a keen gardener) he had leaned down to check a plant against our dividing wall , he put his left hand on the top of the wall!

Naturally Trixie tried her best to remove 3 of his fingers. For some strange reason this seemed to upset him no end?

His Wife had taken him to Hospital to sort out his hand, and the Doctor who worked on him asked if the Dog that bit him had it's inoculations up to date? This is when I got the call.

I phoned the Vet and they were going to get back to me?, I had a bit of difficulty getting hold of them .

Then Dr Human( used to play in a Band with his Son) got back to me, it appears they had not done the inoculations.

Asked his advice, so stalled Basie for 5 days, then told him that the inoculations were not done , but, the good news was, Both him and the Dog would be dead already if Trixie had Rabies!

End result of this was splitting the Bill for raising the wall to extend the height to 7feet, I knew she could not get over this.

Why do I still have the Dogs?, some would ask ?, I am very emotionally attached to them!And they love me to bits!

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