Lucius thinks "fetch" is truly beneath his noble self.

So it was a sunny dry day outside, the kind of day one doesn't want to waste inside. I decided we would have a training session that would also be fun.
Luna loves to retrieve her favourite stick or ball, and will often ask anyone visiting if they will go out to play with her. Her stick is the first thing she looks for when I open the back door. Luna has always been quick to learn and is generally excellent at obedience. She responds well to both quiet verbal commands and hand signals.

I threw the stick a couple of times for her and back she came to drop it at my feet, tail all waggy with a huge happy grin on her face.
I took her back in and brought Lucius out. He is a very relaxed pup and also knows all the basic commands, but he has a selective response...he obeys as long as there is a reward or if he has nothing more important to do. The usual commands he will do, but retrieving is a no-no.

I sat him down, threw the stick a short distance, gave him the command...he ran over to it, sniffed it and walked off. I tried again throwing it further. He trotted over, looked at the stick, gave it a perfunctory sniff then turned to walk back - but not before he gave me "that look" know, the look that says" Really? You fling a stick as far as you possibly can and then expect me to bring it back to you. Why? I don't think so. You threw it, you want it, go get it yourself".
I had what I thought was a light bulb moment - maybe if I bring Luna out to demonstrate and he sees the fun she's having, he'll get it.

I sat Luna down, immediately she began vocalising, excited to run. She did it twice. Lucius just sat, remaining passive, the look on his face said it all. " I am of a noble and intelligent species - we do not lower ourselves to amuse your every whim."

The third time I picked up the stick to throw, Luna was so wriggly and could hardly contain herself, she was trembling with anticipation. I hurled the stick, but before I could even give the command, before Luna can move a muscle... Lucius switched to turbo and launched after the stick like an exocet missile. "Yay" I thought "finally!" However, when he picked up the stick he bit it into three pieces and left it, sauntering purposefully back to his place.. " I told you earlier - I am far too intelligent to play your moronic game......and so is she." His face was pure smug mode.
Party pooper!

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