Today didn't start off too well.......

As my pack were out this morning, Lucifer (aka Prince Lucius Wolf and some other names, some unsavoury and I won't mention them) decided he would adorn himself in a wonderfully pungent new perfume he had just discovered in honour of my birthday.

After checking that he had covered himself sufficiently, he happily bounced back to me.
"Look Mum, just have a really good sniff at this...epic! Just for you, happy birthday! "
His face radiated pure joy, and his eyes shone with happiness. His newly arranged thick coat was arrayed in random spikes.

Aghast, I ran for the ketchup I always have handy for such malodorous moments.

A little ketchup and a lot of scrubbing when I could actually reach his squirming body (it was akin to trying to catch hold of a greased pig), and a healthier smelling Lucius emerged.
He shook himself vigorously. By now I was soaked skin deep in water, suds and that unholy smell he managed to so generously share with me.

Needless to say he wasn't overly impressed by my ingracious ungrateful reaction. He is drying off in the pen.

Oh the joys of living with Wolfdogs! 😬.

Dear steemians, I hope you have enjoyed this story more than I enjoyed experiencing it firsthand! 😀

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