"You're not fooling me"..( Lucius the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog/Wolf hybrid

I called to Lucius in what I hoped was an enthusiastic sing-song voice..."come on, let's go explore. Come and see! Ooh, what's this then? "

His Highness Prince Lucius Wolf was having none of it - he knew that path led back to the carpark, and ultimately home. in the car.

He swiftly paddled out, just far enough that I couldn't reach him without standing in water over my new runners, and sat down.

And so began the long wait - him steeping in the lake, and me perching uncomfortably on a small rock on the shoreline.

I tried everything I could think of to tempt him out of the water. 27 long minutes ticked slowly by. People came and went. Some had brought their dogs to play...he sat as still as a statue staring resolutely ahead; but every so often he would tilt his head slightly so that he could just see me out of the corner of his eye.

I turned my back to him and the wind, warming my cold hands in my pockets......a wet nose forced its way under my armpit...the drama divo didn't like his protest ignored, or perhaps the water was too cold. Why oh why did I not try that earlier?

I kissed his nose, stiffly rose to my feet and we slowly made our way back to the dreaded car - he hates travelling in cars.

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Have a great day steemians, and thank you for stopping by.

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