Using Natural Flea Control on Your Furr Kids

I Hate Fleas...period. Nasty creatures!

I was struggling with keeping fleas off Lola the boxer dog this spring and stumbled across a natural product called “Natural Care Flea and Tick Shampoo”, it contains natural ingredients and is free of chemicals, alcohols, and is paraben-free. It has Eugenol (from Clove plants) and cotton seed oil.


Lola passed out after her bath, she’s very tired.

Fleas have lots in common with cockroaches and they adapt to their environments quickly. They build up a resistance to topical applications becoming immune to the chemicals used in Flea and Tick preventatives with each new generation. One month it works and within 90 days fleas return in a week. I’ve never liked using prescription Flea preventatives with all their synthetic ingredients.


A Flea


This shampoo killed them almost immediately and it had a very pleasant smell. It made me recall a time in my youth when I smoked “beedies”’ clove cigarettes!


Never use essential oil products on cats!

Allergic reactions or toxic effects can also be caused by Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil and Pennyroyal oil. So do be careful and do your research prior to using products with essential oils on your furr kids.

Another good preventative is unpasteurized apple cider vinegar diluted with an equal amount of warm water. Wash your dog with a good shampoo and after thoroughly rinsing, spray it on. Let the dog drip or shake dry. The fleas drown and a vinegar rinse will acidify the dogs skin making unattractive for fleas and ticks to dine.

A Tip about Washing your pets bedding

20 Mule Team Borax is a powder that I use in my laundry. It's an all-natural and a great homemade flea killer! 20 Mule Team Borax is available at most supermarkets. It is made up of 99.5% pure borax, a naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water. You could also spinkle it on rugs and carpets, then vacuum the next day.


Borax is not the same as boric acid! Boric acid is created by combining borax with an acid. It is harmful to pets and should never be used.

Good luck this flea season especially if you live in the South!



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