Run free my beloved ❤️Snoop❤️ R.I.P.

That day I was most afraid of came. Two days ago I had to let go one of my beloved dogs..Snoop... It was and still is a horrible experience. I can't stop crying. I don't question my decision to free him from his pain but the thoughts rushing through my brain are not helpful to deal with the situation.

He had severe arthritis and could hardly walk in warm weather....too painful for him.
We were very lucky this year that until a week ago it was not really summer on the Dutch coast. But then the temperature rose to 37 C which was too much for Snoop. He suffered and could barely walk to go outside doing his business.

I knew that when it gets warm a decision has to be made. And I thought I was ready for it. I learned you can never be ready for something like this. I'm in shock since his last heartbeat.

But I'm at peace that we managed to give him a peaceful farewell at home. In the last days, I feared that he will not make it home on our very short walks and that we need to solve an emergency situation with a stranger veterinarian and not with our very kind and caring vet.

We adopted Snoop when he was 7 years old and he did not have a good life before that. It took a while until he trusted me fully but then he became my constant companion. He never sat down with someone else, always next to me. We were together 24/7.

He was a beautiful soul of a dog and he was allowed to pass away peacefully with his friends around him.

❤️R.I.P. Snoop 28.07.2007 - 27.07.2018 ❤️

For remembrance, I wrote him a song and created this video.

The last picture in the video shows him asleep - no picture after he passed away

Writing this post helped me a bit - at least for the moment, the tears have stopped running.

Thank you for reading this and for your compassion ❤️

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