Rebel Dog, All Grown Up: What He's Like Nearly Three Years Old

Rebel Dog, today at nearly three years old ready to chase a ball

It’s hard to believe that we’ve had Rebel over two years. We got him in Oregon as a puppy that was reportedly a “wolf husky pit bull mix” and while we haven’t had him DNA tested, we aren’t denying that fact based off of his behavior and how other dogs behave with him.

When we got him, he fit on my lap and now while he can still “fit” I wouldn’t say it’s very easily without the help of a couch or bed. He’s grown quite a lot in size and most recently in personality. Before he was the crazy but loveable puppy, now he’s a bit more refined in his crazed affection.

Recently we’ve noticed some things changing within the beloved pup that was Rebel Dog as he becomes an adult. He’s stopped growing taller and now is growing wider, no longer quite the skinny bag of bones he was. He eats slower and more methodically now, where he used to be known for choking on his food.

He’s somehow got more energy, as though he’s at his prime. We’ve tried tiring him out in the mornings with training him for farm work and just playing with him more and he now thirsts for play the way he used to beg for food, which used to get a bit excessive in his puppy days. It doesn’t matter if he’s in a dead sleep, if you pick up the ball or put on your shoes he’s standing at attention ready to go, usually taking off without you.

He’s got more grace out on the hill, he listens better to commands and has gone from being a nuisance around the chickens to a great tool for catching chickens who try to force themselves “free range”. Both he and I have learned to predict their movements and can make a stellar team catching even the most fiesty hen.

His favorite thing is to chase a flying object, be it a bird or a ball. When I move enclosures by myself he’s been known to pop his head in uneven spots to keep hens in, making them all freak out at the invading wolf dog. When a birds out, he basically trots around, staying when told to keep the bird on the property while I attempt to corner it. Before he used to chase and sometimes catch, with his mouth of course. Not so much anymore, although he’ll scare an asshole rooster if you let him.

When his ball is involved, he has the most attention. I actually accidentally broke him of his bad farming tactics by bringing it along, which used to involve rushing around scaring the birds and taking off when I was busy. When the ball is in hand, Rebel is right there, staring. Occasionally I throw it to keep him interested and by the end of the farming session, I just let him keep it. This is where his new digging and planting hobby has come from. He understands that balls roll down hills so when he wants it to stay put he digs a rut, drops it in and goes to sit in the shade when too hot.

For pure play, we just throw the ball off the boulder right outside our front door down the hillside, with him flying after it. Now sometimes he catches it before it officially lands, other times he’s left to root around to sniff it out. When he’s way off base, he actually responds to commands like “to the left” and “over more” “keep going” “Right there” “Where’s your ball” ect. Damn good at retrieving it at this point, its a bit surprising to even me.

And of course as a intact that is not neutered male dog with a female owner, he’s got his alpha issues. Recently he’s started asserting what he sees as his right to dominance. When being punished, which involves scolding and at worst a bite to the ear, he now sometimes gets a low growl on that he never got as a puppy. Almost his way of saying “Fuck off, I’m a big dog I can do what I want”.

He also has got a tendancy to run off, especially if he’s not had some exercise that day. The only time we can reliably leave the house door open during the day without him taking off is to exhaust him in the morning, and probably later that day too.

At the end of the day, he’s a shithead but he can keep me motivated to keep doing better than literally anything else. Even on days I feel bad, his excited “farm dog” face will keep me working even when I’m ready to pass out. Something about the fact that he’s so damn ready for everything fun inspires me to try, at least a bit, even when it’s hardest.

So thanks Rebel Dog, who will officially be three years old on September 2nd, it’s been wonderful to share my life with you. To hopefully many many more years because you’re a mutt!

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