On Donald Trump…

He says that he doesn’t like Twitter…really no one would have guessed that.

Will he insist on using @realDonaldTrump instead of the official @potus on Twitter, or will he use both?

Is the swiftness he reacts on twitter to criticism, sometimes without even thinking through something coherent to tweet, a very real warning sign of the danger our whole world will be in during his Presidency?

Should we all, and by all I don’t just mean Americans’ but the whole planet be worried for our very existence in this new era of US Government being controlled more than ever before by business interests, and business people?

Does He think about any possible backlash from anyone he targets in his rapid-fire responses, it seems like he is hard wired to firing out sarcasm & negativity.Is this a good quality in a President?

What father wouldn’t even know the Twitter name of his own daughter? The example being his tweeting the wrong Ivanka.
What will happen when his quick response to criticism ends with him pushing ‘the button’… you know the one that could be the end of Earth?

Is this a fair assessment, possibly no. Maybe he will ‘Make America Great Again’ …but for what percentage in America, the 1%?

Agree? Disagree? I Welcome all community comments.

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