The Most Bizzare Untold Way, That 'Wreck-It Ralph' Found Steemit On By Typing In; "DonkeyPong"!

Ralph wants to change so badly! He wants to stop the wreckage or wreck for a good cause instead! The movie Wreck-It Ralph, did him some fixing but it was only a movie! Reality has stayed the same; "Ralph is bad! 

image source/credit to: 9gag

Today is Change!

Ralph agreed to be apprenticed and mentored by @cheetah, a new good robot. Basically, he had quested to look for @cheetah. He was conscious, in his effort to change for the better and his case was a rare case. "His inclination to wreck things, is of a rarest high magnitude".  To understand this magnitude; think "Humpty Dumpty and his great fall", hahaha, not even all the psychologists on Earth and Mars could tame this magnitude!

Perhaps, AI will fix him, thus, he turned to the bots.

There was @blacklist and @asshole, but Ralph was looking for bots that sought to doing good and even in the midst of inconvenience; thus, Ralph gave @cheetah a shot!


@cheetah, hasn't such big human. It bot-clock-heart nearly clockwised! "AI over matter"; @cheetah went into action! @cheetah had human parents. It would find ways to tame Ralph's inclination for bad or at least teach ralph how to channel his passion to cause havoc into a passion to create and recreate. 

Back to the ultimate Whitepaper; the Manual for creating the very best humans; the Scriptures; the Bible!


@cheetah had this process all panned out. "It is like pampering a chain-smoker into stopping smoking"; you don't go all "Wreck-It-Ralph" method on her; to hammer, stop smoking into her medulla. Instead, you tease her playfully with things like; "Oh the most dangerous butt on earth is a cigarette butt" etc.

Basically, @cheetah concluded, that the only effective way to help this Ralph, is to teach and instill in him; how to channel his inclination to cause wreckage; into a good cause. 

Here goes the Scriotures as @cheetah quotes (Exodus 23:5) to Ralph: 

 “If you see a donkey belonging to a person you hate struggling under its load…” …would you not help him? 

On this picture, found 

This wasn't a rhetorical question or perhaps, it proved to be, as we will find out.

Here is how Ralph snappily answered as his lits up: 

 i will sit on it, to wreck it; into the ground!

"Gosh, lost cause!"; @cheetah processed in 1-and-0 mind but AI doesn't get tired. It wasn't going to quit! 

"@cheetah was only going to retreat a bit, to think; before Ralph's fist comes down pounding!"

What became of Ralph?

The day wasn't over! Ralph needed to pound on something but he did want to change for the better, thus, he took a long walk; to looked for something that he can put his pounding out without causing much bad wreckage; at the very least, this would give him a measure of fulfillment, from knowing that someone and something, was absorbing this light-magnitude pounding!

"he saw something!"

Just across; was a Ping Pong table and two players

He ran over and picked one of the players and sandwiched him using his massive strong palms, into the other player; to make one bigger ping-ponger; then he started to bat the ball at them; in his definition of "an amateur PingPong game

He spiked and smashed and was winning all the SETS and at least, he wasn't doing too much bad wreckage, other than bullying the ball, the table and his opponent with heavy spikes. "I mean, even the bat was tired!"

On his last service, Ralph did one giant angular spike! "He loved to see his opponent stressed and this was satisfaction but this time he missed". The ball flew light years away and a straying donkey picked it. 

Donkey was so stressed, by the huge luggage on his back, that as he tried to fit the table tennis ball in its mouth, it ended up swallowing it!

Ralph saw this tiny proceeding and was in fumes but upon getting close to this heavily-ladden donkey, "(Exodus 23:5)" starting to play itself. The rhetorical part of the question this verse holds, started to ask itself, in the face of Ralph!

"He suddenly didn't want to sit on this donkey and wreck it finally into the ground!"

 But he must get his Table Tennis ball. The game must go on!

He followed this donkey all over town, waiting this ass' poop. He fumed all the way but change was indeed happening!

The Poop Dropped!

Life happened and hot massive poop hit the floor. Ralph smashed smashable poop into the ground and saved his table tennis ball!


Some just happened. The ball suddenly become all precious. It represented something significant; "Positive Change!"

He will save this ball in a safety vault and title the entire experience;


Ralph wanted to save this entire story, as a beautiful testimony for the entirety of humanity; to teach; that "cruelty can change into true love". Thus, he went to and he typed in the search phrase; "DonkeyPong", to see where it will lead and he found an even greater gem; "Donkeypong (Tom) @donkeypong and a steem blockchain, where he can save this story as a legacy for ever and ever!

image credit/source to:

"Welcome to steemit, RALPH", you are a Hero" 
Your boy Terry

But see how Ralph responds below:

"Terry, thanks; but at this point and maybe for a long time, i prefer to stay humble! Let's not steal the limelight, from the real Hero, "@donkeypong"; who lead me to steemit and @cheetah bot; who started the whole exodus. 
I am implore every steemian to follow @donkeypong and hahaha, don't be afraid to follow @cheetah too, for its a good bot, with human parents!"


Who is @donkeypong

image source/credit to: @donkeypong

In my recent series, i have tried to push at, playfully covering whoiswho on steemit, while also aiming to write generic content, that may still draw potential steemians to steemit as they search google! 

This i have done, mostly because of how tough conditions are, while i post; which hasn't let me go into much research, to make more solid posts.

Basically, i post hurriedly, while at work, in the very short intervals between calls, in the call centre, where i talk all night to people on the phone. Thus, the only thing i am afforded, for creating a steemit post, is my tiny brain, life and a measure of creativity, plus, my desire to brighten up someone's day out there. Too, fulfillment!

I feel too tied to that chair, where i burn my butt, away from family and in another person's dream, while i want to be out there, bring tears of joy, to as many in humanity as humanly possible! 

I haven't been able to have any real sleep, in more than 6 months as my body has forgotten how to sleep! Normally, after working all night, if i haven't done something in line with my dreams and apart from taking in calls, when i go home and lay in bed, my mind can't be brought to rest and i will rise up to go back to the PC, till my body forgot how to rest. 

NB; In truth, i missed the possibility of being here at the inception of steemit, because of sitting on this chair!

I am hoping to "inspire an inspirer" on steemit, within this post and today, my time and brain and heart has gone to @donkeypong.

I will keep the final part of this post, a bit short as i couldn't read too many of @donkeypong's post, like i usually do; like when i have wrote about @krnel etc. Too, there is the time zone barrier, i think, as i usually do all my posting at night, so that it matches, with the time zone of countries where steemit is popular!

Here are a few other amazing things about @donkeypong:

* Amongst 21,500 pages or results for the search phrase "Donkeypong"; on, @donkeypong's steemit account and blog, is ranking and appears first on the list of results, on the first page of

"So basically, is ranking on the first page of, for the search word "donkeypong"

He we just added some Mathematics to English!

* He is keen on the growth of new steemit users, you and me! See this: 



* He cares about the effect, that trolls may have on steemians! See this: 


* He is very keen on the development and growth of steem!

Look at one portion of the recent Roadmap that intrigued him here:


* He is reachable; approachable!

(He has two daughters, 8 and 9 or 9 and 10 and his Fatherly love is evident even on steemit and in the tone and reassurance of his comments)


* For the love of kids, self-sacrifice and humility; he let's himself watch kid movies! Hahaha!

See this:

* He loves kids and values women as true heros! See this:



* He hasn't forgotten newton's 3rd law of motion and it's application! SEE THIS: 


* He prefers to impart, instill; by means of writing! See this:


* He relishes encouraging, commending and inspiring people and in general; steemit needs this! 

(Some people, may just be on the edge of a cliff and a tiny timely commendation, instantly fixes them!) 

See this:




* He cares about animals! See this: 


* He is a passionate content curator, who inspires true growth! See this:


* He is a mentor!

Please pardon my poor editing in some places and error!

Your boy Terry


Let's add a video for sake!

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