Poetry Slam Challenge 5 :_Ode To Marie-Thérèse Walter_

Enchanted on canvas in cubes

He depicted his sweet divine muse

She gazed long in the mirror

Reflecting deep from within her

Belief her beauty it is but a ruse

I have loved Picasso's work since I was a child, especially the cubist period.

Picasso had a number of muses who inspired his work. I find myself now needing to seperate life from art. He was clearly an unconventional, eccentric, genius who produced masterpiece after masterpiece. I do wonder if his companions, his inspiration suffered for his art.

Marie-Thérèse had a child with Picasso, and he supported them both financially. He was married at the time, and maintained his relationship with Marie-Thérèse and her child separately from his family and public life.
Marie-Thérèse took her own life in her home in 1977.

Marie-Thérèse was only 17 when she met the much older artist Picasso.

She posed for him for many of his masterpieces, including Girl Before A Mirror.

In Girl Before A Mirror Picasso depicted Marie-Thérèse standing in front of a full length mirror. The brightly coloured shapely beauty is reflected back from the mirror, distorted and with a less vibrant pallet. The work is popularly interpreted as a representation of the beauty he saw in her, along side the negative self judgement she made of herself when looking in the mirror.

Source- Museum of Modern Art

P.S @prufarchy, I will try very hard to write a 2nd funny entry. Sorry for the heavy vibe, it's just what comes out.


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