Doodle Doodledayeo : My Mother Cares

Doodle Challenge

The theme words rain, duck and umbrella have sparked my imagination. 3 words to describe one imaginary image. Nature personified is a source of guiding force for creation. It is the form that regulate the universe. To me, the image has to be meaningful. It has to carry a message.

Little creatures turn to Mother Nature for nurturing, they turn to her for revival and rejuvenation. This little duck was lost and cold in the rain until Mother handed him a warm shelter.

My Interpretation

If you look at nature you will see some common characteristics. Nothing in nature is about itself. It is selfless. River does not consume itself, trees do not eat their own fruit, the flower's fragrance is for the sweet maiden and the nectar is for the bees. Living for each other, that is nature. Just like how a mother would be protective of its children, that is mother nature to me.


This is my official entry

The Process



Final Result

I guess our drawing evolves with age. I used to be fascinated with dark drawings, heavy metal, skulls, daggers, blood but I guess as age catches up and you have a younger one, it is not so appropriate to draw things like that. But at the same time, I am enjoying drawing the nature much more now.

It is true that the best things in life is free and Mother Nature gives us that. God creation and the masterpiece.How can you beat the feeling of being at a waterfall? or having a picnic beside the sea. I feel so proud that I am prepared to show this to my son...

(Dont't blame the bird, he has not seen someone who stares blankly into the horizon)

Till next then..

Cheerios! :)


credit to @zomagic

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