Take me to your secret haven (Doodle Doodledayeo #15)

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Today I bring you my entry to the contest Doodle Doodledayeo round 15 organized by the wonderful @opheliafu

All this week I have been searching for a fun activity to engage to in Steemit but it seemed like I was out of luck. Every single contest I found, always was about to finish and I couldn't participate. Or in some cases, the contest was not of my liking for one reason or another.

When I was about to give up, I found this one and I loved it! It's very creative and gives you a lot of room for imagination. To explain it a little bit, you have to create a doodle based on the words she gives you. This week were "Garden, Secret and Key".

Usually I'm very strict with rules and take everything literally, so this time I wanted to do the opposite. I started brainstorming and thought about searching for the definitions of every one of the words. Thanks to that, I gave a twist to the word "key", transforming it into piano keys.

The rest of the drawing is based on music and how for some people is a secret place that they can go and find peace, understanding and inspiration.

Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed to do it ;)

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All the pictures and drawing are mine

ā€‹~Note: I almost didn't do it! This was the last day too.ā€‹~

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