Timing (Doodle Doodledayeo #16)

It’s time once again for the contest hold by the amazing @opheliafu. This is my second week and has been amazing so far. So let’s begin!

Doodle Doodledayeo!

Doodle Doodledayeo!

Doodle Doodledayeo!

This week the magic words were rabbit, time and flowers. I must admit this one took me some serious thinking because I wanted to make something a little bit different. I believe the best part of this contest is to challenge yourself to do new things. I decided to play around with the concept of time passing and try to mix it with the other 2 words.

So I choose to draw three bunnies, with flowers inside (yeah, I know, where’s the twist?) but each one has flowers in different growing stages. The first one has flower buds, the second has full bloomed flowers and the last has some deciduous flowers to finish the collection.

I wasn’t sure if it was better to do it with color or just with pencil but I went with graphite this time. Maybe later I will do a colored version of this doodle. What do you think?

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Now a bit of the process.
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Here’s the baby flower bunny

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The spring bunny

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And last but not least, the withered bunny (this is kind of my favorite one)

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So that’s it. I had so much fun! Can’t wait for next week’s theme.

Also, I’d like know, which bunny did you like the best?

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