An Incense Clock, A Rabbit Kimono, An Expectant Flower 花 🥀 | Digital Painting for Doodle Doodledayeo! | Plus Step-by-Step


HANA is waiting for someone. She is wearing her new usagi kimono. She has carefully arranged the cherry blossoms in her hair. Who is she waiting for? Whoever it is, they haven't come yet and the incense on the clock is burning low.


Hana: Flower

This is my official entry to @opheliafu's Doodle Doodledayeo Challenge. Draw a picture using the three words of the week: Rabbit, Time and Flowers.

The words evoke scenes from Alice in Wonderland in my mind. But I already drew Alice just last Doodledayeo so had another good think on something interesting to present.

The Character

Zen and Hikari
A Japanese woman in a blue kimono has been a recurring drawing my hands just spontaneously scribble. I drew Zen the Maiko first. Then Hikari. And now, Hana. Having first learned to draw anime before any other style, I guess it is just natural to me. The blue color looks relaxing.

Rabbit, Time, Clock

Hana means flower in Japanese. She also has cherry blossoms in her hair. She is wearing her usagi (rabbit) kimono. This is a common enough design for a kimono as it turns out.

The tricky element for me was "Time". At first I wanted to incorporate time into the kimono as well. I wasn't sure if wall clocks were a thing in Japan. Maybe a pocketwatch? Too obvious. So I did some research and found the perfect thing: an incense clock.

This is an ancient time-keeping method which found its way to Japan from China. The incense sticks were specially made so that the manufacturers knew the exact time it would burn out, hence helping them measure time.

I hope I depicted it correctly. The incense box is accurate, but I'm not sure how the incense looks burning in it.



This is the final sketch of Hana. This painting was done with ArtRage Lite. I've recently gotten some new software but have yet to test it out.

I find ArtRage really simple and easy to use though. It has a lot of tools and is perfect for digital painting. Or whenever I want to make a quick doodle.

Here she is looking fresh and make-up free. This is her natural look. I was deciding if she should have her hair down, but since she is expecting someone, I got her ready, geisha-style.

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One of my valuable learnings here on Steemit. I found a process where they used thin grey lines to create the roughest sketch before using the final black pen. In the past, I used the black pen directly, but for more serious drawings, I do this now. Put them in separate layers and then erase the grey lines after.

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Working with watercolors is about layering. I put 2 layers of blue for the kimono, brown for the box, and black for her hair. The blossoms are airbrushed.

I used the ink pen for the incense stick and the hair ornament opposite the flowers.

Watercolor Process.jpg

Detail and Background

On panel 1 I did the kimono design. Just a simple pattern; rabbits running around. On panel 2 I add shadows by a adding a third and final layer of darker values to the kimono, box, etc. Lastly, with the paint roller and some pen lines, I create a door behind her and the wood floor.

Kimono Process.jpg

There you go, doodle complete! I hope you guys enjoyed this and check out @opheliafu's amazing challenge.

All doodles and drawings are mine unless you find a credit or ^ beneath. Click to view the source. You can find Zen and Hikari drawings somewhere in my blog. Got questions about this post? Leave me a comment below and let's chat!

Now it's time for me to get my morning cup of coffee.

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See you next time,


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