Time for doodling!
I'm sharing with you my doodle for the Doodle Doodledayeo round 13 challenge. This week's challenge is to create a doodle drawing inspired by the 3 words dream, cyber and sci-fi!
With the Doodle Doodledayeo round 12 challenge, there were 96 drawings, you can check them out at Results round 12 Doodle Doodledayeo! -PART 1 and -PART 2.
'When Cyborgs Dream'
As cyborgs dream strange creatures flock to examine them, feeding off the tiny electric impulses that their fluttering eyelids make as they dream away.
#doodleon doodlers!
This week's 3 words
Remember, this week's challenge is to create a doodle drawing inspired by the 3 words dream, cyber and sci-fi! The deadline is Saturday 6th January 2018, 11.59 pm GMT. If you want to join in submit your doodle and check out the challenge details at Doodle Doodledayeo! Round 13.