Doodle Doodledayeo Round 7 - The Turnip Knight Adventure

Wasn't sure if I was gonna join in on this contest.. challenge... thing, but it looked fun and I kinda just wanted to draw a Turnip Knight??

Turnip Knight 1.png

But... DANG IT NOW I HAVE THIS STORY IDEA that I dunno if I'll do much with it, but ..... I might draw a chapter or two after school lets out lfjlsjfldjlsj

I imagine it as kind of a puzzle-solving mystery adventure, so instead of a "Monster of the Day" there would be a "Mystery/Puzzle of the Day" x)

Turnip Knight 2.png

Anyway, it's all kinda just some sloppy concept art (I'm not sure how people define "doodles"?), but... I dunno, this was a fun concept to play with 😂
Basically a couple of Turnip Knight Brothers (because I decided to just use both designs I guess LOL) off on a quest to search for the Lost Kingdom of the Turnips... that they probably gain access to with this mystical turnip crystal thing lol.

Yknow. Like a generic j-RPG 😂

Turnip Knight 3.png

Not as nice-looking as some of the other entries, but I'm kinda last minute and just did it for funsies, so. It's all good ;P

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