Doodle Doodledayeo 12 Entry - A Walk Under The Starry Sky


Will you accompany me for a walk around the town while the stars are still bright?

Hello my fellow Steemians, a few days ago I stumbled across a challenge by @opheliafu called Doodle Doodledayeo Challenge. I'm really interested in doing these kind of challenge so here is my entry for the said challenge!

My idea for the three words suggested which is Star, Sheep, and Town is the image of a girl always walking around town at night with her sheep when the stars are out. Nobody knows where she come from but she will always hum a merry tune as she walks on the streets. Well, I guess some can see that there are a mysterious or horror story vibe in this. It's up to anyone to interpret it either way~ ;D

The process of drawing begins when I actually think a lot about how to put everything for the theme in the drawing together.

Here's the process gif for you to see:

See you in the next post~

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