Hi Steemians! How are you? I hope you are well :)
Today I'm going to post my drawing process of an illustration I made of Wonder Woman a little time ago. I've separated everything into 10 simple steps and I'm going to briefly try to explain each one of them. So let's start!
Step 1
In this first phase I scribble without caring too much, because I do not yet have a very clear ideia of how the drawing is going to be. I give it very loose and thick traces to try to mark the beginning of the drawing.
Step 2
Here I begin to give a more human form to the drawing. This point is important because here I can define correct proportions for the body of the character.
Step 3
Having already defined the markings of the body I start to model the real character in a very simplified way, without much detail.
Step 4
At this point I give a slight refine on the previous step and add a few more details to improve my preview of the draft.
Step 5
After finishing the initial draft I put it in lower opacity and begin the final lineart of the drawing. I start by the head and take more care in the execution, so the stroke gets more uniform.
Step 6
I continue the final lineart, going to the arms and the sword.
Step 7
Now the torso.
Step 8
Here I finish the legs and turnoff the sketch layer, I have my first final lineart.
Step 9
At this point I fill the black parts and the shadows, following the lineart of the drawing.
Step 10
So I add more refined details in the composition, like hatches and small lines on the clothes and... Voilá! It's ready!
This is the drawing process I follow, it's not rules or whatever... it's just my way of working my illustrations. I'm thinking of also posting the colorization process of this same drawing... what do you think? Would interest you?
Below a little gif with the steps, I hope you enjoyed it and may have helped in some way! :)