A book from my grandfather for my portraits.

Half a year ago, grandfather gave me this red book, made by his hands many years ago. Even then, I decided to adapt it to my drawings, but for a long time I did not know which. The book was forgotten, but when looking for an interesting lesson for vacations found in the depths of my endless room, and I came up with the idea to paint portraits in it. This is how I can trace my mistakes, correct them, see improvements, the grandfather's efforts invested in the creation of the book will help me in this. And, to your attention the first portrait.

I can not say that this is one of my best works, but I'm glad that I finished it at all (with the same eternal problem, I'm afraid it does not seem to be at all). It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve success in drawing people, but I will not give up :)

 Thank you

With love  @andrianna   

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