Hi friends, _
A good, relaxing pair of sneakers are your best bet every time.If you're going to design the next sport shoe,sneakers, piece of furniture, or bike, the idea doesn't start in a computer, it starts on paper.
This is a picture which I drew yesterday. It took me about 35 minutes.
🎨Tools: white paper, black pen, mark-pen.(工具:白纸、中性笔1支、马克笔若干)
🎨The Drawing Breakdown:(绘图步骤)
★ “Drawing Master” Past Contests( 齐白石杯绘画大赛往期回顾):
4th “Drawing Master” Contest★Theme: The Animation Character You Love most★第4届:你最喜欢的卡通角色
5th“Drawing Master” Contest★Theme:Military Equipment★第5届:军事装备