My original painting:Sk8er Girl★6688教你概念画板画女孩(My paintings NO.40)


My dear steemit friends_

When I was at school, I liked a song by Avril, called "Sk8er Boi".

I started to use Concepts: Classroom Edition APP 4 days ago.Last night I've spent 2 hours on this drawing which called Sk8er Girl.

I've been drawing on my iPad with Capacitance pen yesterday.

The Drawing Breakdown:(绘图步骤)


上学的时候喜欢艾薇儿的一首歌,叫做《Sk8er Boi》:(歌词如下)

He was a boy,She was a girl,Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk,She did ballet,What more can I say?

He wanted her,She'd never tell,Secretly she wanted him as well.

And all of her friends stuck up their nose.

They had a problem with his baggy clothes.

He was a skater boy,She said"See ya later,boy"

He wasn't good enough for her.

She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.

She needed to come back down to earth.

Five years from now,she sits at home feeding the baby.

She's all alone,She turns on TV and guess who she sees?

Skater boy rockin' up MTV.

She calls up her friends,They already know.

And they've all got tickets to see his show.

She tags along,Stands in the crowd,

Looks up at the man that she turned down.

He was a skater boy,She said"See ya later,boy"

He wasn't good enough for her.

Now he's a superstar,Slammin' on his guitar

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

He was a skater boy,She said"See ya later,boy"

He wasn't good enough for her... ...





欢迎大家 投稿参加我举办的 第1届“齐白石杯”绘画大赛主题:年 的绘画比赛活动。首期奖金丰厚哟!详情请点击绿色标题哟!

Thanks for reading.

If you like my articles. Please contact me. Follow me @angelina6688. We can discuss and make progress together!


【My paintings:】我的往期绘画作品:

2.FISH 同事家的小金鱼——彩铅作品
4.BIRD 翠鸟,也称“钓鱼郎”——彩铅作品
5.Colorful-eye 彩色眼睛——水溶彩铅作品
6.PARROT 鹦鹉——黑白画
7.FLOWER 花好月圆——黑白画
8.CAKE 美味甜点——彩铅画
9.CUTE CAT 可爱的小猫——彩铅作品
10.CUTE DOG 可爱的小狗——彩铅作品
13.Chinese painting 国画
14.Papillon 蝴蝶犬——彩铅作品
15.Dragon 我的绘画参赛作品:龙
16.Chinese painting——Beauty and flowers国画:黛玉葬花
17.Horse 我的参赛作品:马
18.1 month in steemit我在steemit上满月啦!彩铅画
19.Climbing the mountain——YOYOW赞助爬山标志,创意画
20.Girl on a chair椅子上的女孩
21.India elephant 印度神象
22.A Girl of CN-VOICE唱歌的女孩
23.A Singing Bird 唱歌的胖嘟嘟
24.Merry Christmas!我的绘画作品:圣诞快乐!
25.Cute Piggy猪之歌——彩铅作品
26.Cute Pug 巴哥犬
27.My Chinese painting :BOAT 我的国画作品——渔舟唱晚
28.Chinese painting:Fishing boat 我的国画作品——逆水行舟
29.Designing Cnsteem Logo/我设计的新Cnsteem网页LOGO
30.Chinese painting :Plum Flower我的国画作品:一剪梅
31.Glamorous Eyes我的手绘作品:魅惑之瞳
32.我为@melaleuca帅哥设计的steemit专属头像?The head portrait I designed
33.Elephant Trunk Hill?风景速写——中国名山:象鼻山
34.My Hand-drawing Bridge?废弃的桥梁手绘稿2
36.Romantic Night浪漫雪夜——大年夜|齐白石杯
37.Romantic Dancing★湖边漫舞
38.Drawing with my finger概念画板处女秀(上)
39.Drawing with my finger★6688教你用手指画小狗——概念画板处女秀(下)


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