Jenny's Art Contest Week #15: Be free to be yourself

Imagen (20) - copia.jpg

Hey, guys! What's up? I hope you are fine! :D

Well, this is my entry for the @topkpop's contest. The theme this week is FREE. So, my point of view of this word is "you will be free only when you face your fears and insecurities that attack you". Many can interpret this word as having the freedom to go where you want, do what you want ... but my opinion is that freedom is not based on what things you are allowed or not do. That's because even though we may be able to go anywhere, we are not free; inside, we feel trapped and only when we are able to walk facing our fears we can feel and say that we are FREE. Therefore, I see the word free as a mental state, not physical.

Having said that, this drawing is inspired by the movie called Billy Elliot (I love this movie, especially the ending, the expression of his father to see him enter the scene is unique). It's about a 11-year-old boy becoming a professional ballet dancer while he's dealing with the negative stereotype of the male ballet dancers. You can read more about this here.

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I've never used this technique (scumbling), but it seemed perfect for this week's theme, I just let my hand slide freely through the paper doing "crazy lines" as if I was driving drunk, lol.

It was a simple drawing so, I didn't see the need to put photos of the process (the reality is that I forgot to take pictures xD). That's all for today. I hope you like it. Bye, guys! <3

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