Realistic eye 2 - hand drawing #22 [before and after]

Hey, guys! What's up? <3

About a week ago, I did a before and after of one of my old drawings, so that together we could see how far I have progressed. I'm really happy with the result, click here to see the drawing.

So, I did it again, this time with an eye that I drew 4 years ago. Maybe I'll make this a habit in my blog, not only to see how much I have progressed, but also I hope this will serve as inspiration to you. When you think your drawings are not good enough remember that great artists do not become great in a couple of hours, days, etc. We all learn at our own pace, we find our own style...

I know it's frustrating when you compare your work with others and you realize that you have a long way to go, but babies are not born walking or do they do it?. What I try to say is be constant, your effort will give you results sooner or later. That is the best advice I can give you, I still apply it in all aspects of my life!.

Well, here's the drawing:


And here are some pictures of the process:


Without anything else to say, I hope you have a nice day. Bye, guys! :D

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