Challenge the brain by drawing on black paper

I've spent almost 2 hours on this artwork. Charcoal pencil on A4 black paper.

这幅作品花了两个小时,用白色炭笔作画于 A4 黑纸上。


As an art adventurer my self, I always looking to try out different art creating techniques. This time I would love to try drawing on black paper. Bought this black sketchbook by Daler Rowney for $18 Singapore dollar, when it comes to art supply, quality is always the top priority for me. This sketchbook features 180g/m and generous 40 pages, I will have a long time to spend on it.

The idea of drawing on a black paper initiated by the Hat drawing contest by @helene. The first thing came to my mind was the legendary Michael Jackson and his classic hat.

Ironically, I fell for Michael the day he passed away as the television mourning him with the “You Are Not Alone". I fell in love with this song and immediately searched for all his songs and MV for the next few months, wondering how could I miss this astonishing artist when he was alive. I wished to draw a portrait of him as a gesture of tribute for a long time and this is the chance now.

身为一个艺术冒险家,我时常在寻找不同的创作方式,这次将尝试在黑纸上作画。这本由 Daler Rowney 出品的黑色绘画本价格十八大洋,算是在店里找到最贵的同时也是最好的绘画本。在创作素材上,我永远把品质放在第一位。

这次的新尝试受启发于由 @helene 举办的帽子绘画比赛。第一个点子就是万古不朽的 Michael Jackson 的经典戴帽形象。

很讽刺的,我真正认识 MJ 就是在他去世的那天。当时电视上播放着缅怀 MJ 的《You Are Not Alone》,听到的当下就立马爱上了。接下来的几个月把他所有的作品和 MV 统统翻出来欣赏研究,对这位传奇般的人物彻底心折了。一直想要画个人像来向他致敬,这次机会终于来了。

Drawing breakdown

First, use a white pencil to sketch with minimal and really light force. You do not want to leave excessive white marks on the black spot which supposed to be dark shadow.


Starting from the top by toning the hat and face.


Painting the bright part of the shirt with white charcoal, which should be smudged using kneaded paper.


Use lighter force for the shallow shadow area. Always remember you are now painting the light instead of dark.


Outline the body with the sparkles of the coat, the little light sketches shall be erased afterward.


I found that this black paper and white pencil works well with an eraser. Make sure you don't smudge the white color on the other part as it would be obvious.


Oops, almost forgot the left-hand part and the trouser.


Drawing on black paper is fun yet challenging.

As this is my first time drawing on black material, I thought should be easy as I just need to paint the bright part and the original black background will do the rest tricks for me.

**But I was dead wrong. **

I used to use the black or colored pen to create art, and it already becomes my natural to draw in dark and leave the bright spot empty on white paper. When it comes to black paper and draw with white materials, you need to do exactly the opposite. I was struggling the whole process trying to fight my natural art sense and it all took me two hours to paint the whole figure when I expected to finish it within just one. Nonetheless, I would develop a more comprehensive sense of art creating after this training, not bad.

Lastly, I realized this drawing could be improved to a much greater extent and that's why I make this the Part 1. Stay tuned.





画到最后,我发现其实这幅画还有很大的进步空间,会在下回 Part 2 加强此画,敬请关注。

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