Drawing: A Ladies face in profile - Conté & Chalk on Treated Paper

So, firstly WOW! Thank you for the support and votes in the previous post Drawing: Women's Face in Profile - Pastel Chalk on Treated Paper.
I almost didn't post it but i'm glad i did. THANK YOU to the Whales that got behind it and voted it up, not sure who you are but that's a very big deal for me and i really appreciate it! #whalepower #teamaustralia #minnowsupport!


Here's part 2 to my experiments with 're-sizing' paper with Shellac. (see: the fist post on treated paper for info on shellac)

With this face i tried another technique focusing on rendering with white and moving the medium around using a paper stump (or a "Tortillion" if you want to get fancy and use the French term!).

The black pencil plays a big part in this, i used a Conté à Paris Pierre Noire 2B - they are very smooth and inky leads, very dark blacks - not the cheapest pencils available but unmatched in quality.

The white pencil was a Stabilo CarbOthello Titanium White (100) - this is the opposite of the Conté - it's very chalky and dusty which blends beautifully with the black.

With this drawing i was wondering what would happen if i mixed them together. I found a really nice way to render subtle tones - i only wish i had a more complete image to show you but i'll certainly work on one in the future.

I'm still experimenting and working on finding the right mix of medium & paper for developing a technique that works with my style of drawing but i really like what i've discovered so far with mixing different pencils and trying new things. You never know what will work until you start to think outside the box.

I hope you like it too! Thanks for taking a look.




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