My new artwork in stained-glass imitation technique. Have you ever noticed that Sea Horses are almost dragons?:) (more photos inside)

Today I finished working with another staides-glass imitation technique. I love sea-theme, it's something from my childhood. For some reason I remember the Sea Horses were really close to me when I was a child. Unfortunately I don't remember, why.

This time I didn't make much photos of the prosess, but I made them in all my previous posts about this technique art, so if you're interested in "how to" you can just watch other posts:)

I started with a sketchdrawing, as usual. This sketch I later fix on the back side of the glass to know what to do and to avoid mistakes:

This technique takes a lot of time, but I really love it. It's so close to meditation.

Have you ever noticed that Sea Horses are almost dragons?:)

Soon I plan to make a stained-glass imitation with a dragon. But I want it to be really big, so it needs preparation. Definitely I will not manage to do it in one day, so I have to think how to protect the glass from dust at night. But I belive that I'll start working with the sketch today. I whished to make Hobbit based stained-glass imitation from the day I first tryed this technique, and I think the time has came:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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