My creative journey 5


Every journey begins with a step...and continues with countless more. There is no end to the creative path. Only progress. To get better you have to do. Your skills, your mind, your art will not get better unless you try. And trying means you will fail a lot. But, if you keep at it, eventually you will triumph, break through, and be where you want to be. Here is another step on my journey.

Wow, last night got a bit crazy again. I can't and won't deny that, hehe. I took a complete detour from what I normally do and decided to follow the thread of whatever happened to get in my head. And, to most people what I drew probably looks like crap, which is completely cool with me (not fishing for compliments) because, well, I'll tell you in a minute.

The night started with me trying to work on perspective. There was this photo I found on Pinterest that was a perspective mess. Hard to figure out, multiple pull points, and bits that overlapped...a helluva challenge. I figured it would be a great thing to give a go. I mean, I need to train my brain to always be thinking in terms of depth and direction with my pen, so running from skills I need to learn isn't going to help me.

God did I suck at drawing it...really sucked. But, I kept at it.


Until I decided it was time to take a break. I didn't want to push myself too far into frustration. There does come a point where you need to take a breath and regroup. For me, the way I did that was to go back to some of the models I'm familiar with and to refine my lines on those. A comfortable spot where I knew I could get what I wanted and it was a more a question of how good. I admit I was a bit lazy on the overall detail on the next drawing. But, my mind was on the overall feel. Is there energy in the lines? Can you tell where the tension is? Do you feel that something is about to happen? That was what I was trying to get at.

...and yes...I need to get better at framing. Headless people are only cool when associated with Ichabod Crane.


At about this point the coffee shop was closing and I had to head home. I was feeling pretty good. Not stressed and ready to get to the next page.

So, instead of following the path already laid out for me with other peoples work I decided to follow my own path. Even if it looked really, really stupid. I mean, what does creativity look like anyways? Is there a specific form to it? Does it come out fully formed, or is it molded together through stuff like this? I don't know...I really don't. Are these doodles that should be relegated to the trash bin? Or future works of art to be looked back on as the precursors to something great?


I think the worst thing we, no, I could do at this point is question too hard what I'm doing. I mean, all the other drawings were/are just practice to build the skills to allow myself to create...but create what? This might be it? It might be a completely wrong path...who know, who cares?

Remember, it's a journey! I have an idea in mind of how I want to live, a deep desire to create, and the drive to just move forward no matter the direction. So, I'm just gonna run with it. I'm already proving to myself that I can take an image I see and draw why shouldn't I play a little?



I already have some ideas in mind for where I want to go next...just need to get to an art store. Pulling on whatever threads appear in front of's been a cool time. I hope whomever is reading this does that on occasion too. Follows the opportunities or stray thoughts that come up in their daily lives. You never know where they're going to lead, and some of the places you end awesome.


Not sure what to say about all of those random faces and bodies, lol. Other than I'll probably be coming out with a sticker/patch series soon. I mean, some of those drawings are pretty cool, worth slapping on a laptop or a book cover...right? :)

Time is clicking by fast and I have a lot of stuff still to do today. Emails to answer, articles to write, drawings to draw, people to meet. Hope you enjoyed yesterday's journey. Time to keep on with today's!


Previous posts:
My creative journey 4
My creative journey 3
My creative journey 2
My creative journey 1

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